Re: owl:sameAs - Harmful to provenance?

On 4/9/13 11:31 AM, Phillip Lord wrote:
> Compare all you like. RDF is just another technology; it's not going to
> let me do anything that I cannot do in another way.
So you are questioning its unique selling points, I assume? If so, can 
you point us to a technology that addresses the issue of grounding logic 
in data -- in a manner that's totally platform independent?

Does the RDF contemporary include *explicit* machine- and 
human-comprehensible entity relationship semantics? Does said technology 
enable construction of structured data that reflects the very essence of 
how the Web works, assuming the Web is a useful system etc..

RDF has suffered from some poor marketing over the years, that doesn't 
(in anyway) imply that its just another piece of technology solving a 
nebulous problem.

We want to be able to leverage logic in the process of actual data 
representation, access, integration, and management. I know of no 
technology that addresses the problem like RDF i.e., in a platform 
agnostic manner that echoes the essence of the Web itself.



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Tuesday, 9 April 2013 15:57:57 UTC