Re: OpenDDx project

Neat stuff, Alejandro.

Can I also suggest considering dbpedia/freebase data as something to
evaluate? It's very broad, and you'd certainly rate a lot of it as lower
quality than curated, professional data sets, but an extra 9,500 or so
concepts *with the links already curated to dbpedia and the rest of the
linked data cloud* certainly couldn't hurt.
Example data @ ; and I'm sure
you could pull the same kind of thing out of dbpedia easily enough.

Though I'm not going to be able to contribute much to your data modelling
beyond link-all-the-things-to-the-other-things; nor am I going to be much
help in domain expertise, is there any way I can help - in areas of data
capture via frontend tools, building QA games, or otherwise focusing on the
tools that can work with the data?
For example, the concept description alludes to simplistic diagnosis
checklists - I'd be happy to contribute to a proof of concept application
that consumes the data set and presents a set of concepts for further

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> --
> Dr. Alejandro Rodríguez González - PhD
> Bioinformatics at Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Genomics UPM-INIA
> Polytechnic University of Madrid
> Phone: +34 914524900 . Ext: 25550
> *Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. -
> Italian proverb*

Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2012 10:41:06 UTC