- From: M. Scott Marshall <mscottmarshall@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 01:13:25 +0200
- To: HCLS <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Trish Whetzel <whetzel@stanford.edu> Date: Tue, May 22, 2012 at 12:18 AM Subject: [bioportal-announce] BioPortal 3.8 Released To: announce@bioontology.org We are pleased to announce the release of BioPortal 3.8. The major new feature in this release is the regeneration of various automated mappings: · We have regenerated all mappings based on UMLS CUIs. Thus terms in different UMLS ontologies which share the same CUI are now mapped to each other. The mapping created is of type skos:closeMatch. There are now 3,000,000 of these UMLS CUI mappings in the system. * · We have regenerated all mappings based on xrefs (OBO cross-reference) in OBO ontologies. A mapping is now generated when a term in an OBO ontology has an xref to a term in another ontology. The mapping created is of type skos:relatedMatch. There are 35,000 of these xref mappings in the system. * · We have regenerated all mappings based on terms which have identical unique identifiers (IRIs). A mapping is now generated when term in an ontology has a unique identifier that is identical to the identifier of a term in another ontology. The mapping created is of type skos:exactMatch. There are 700,000 of these identical IRI mappings in the system. * We also fixed a number of bugs which were causing performance, stability, and ontology upload problems. *This item was requested via the User Support mailing list and the NCBO User Group. Thank you for your comments and suggestions! Trish Whetzel, PhD Outreach Coordinator The National Center for Biomedical Ontology Ph: 650-721-2378 http://www.bioontology.org "Like" NCBO on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/bioontology Follow NCBO on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/bioontology Join in Discussions on LinkedIn: http://linkd.in/ncbo-group _______________________________________________ bioportal-announce mailing list bioportal-announce@lists.stanford.edu https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/bioportal-announce
Received on Monday, 21 May 2012 23:14:15 UTC