CFP: Second International Workshop on Managing Interoperability and compleXity in Health Systems ( October, 2012, Maui, HI)

Second International Workshop on Managing Interoperability and compleXity in
Health Systems (MIXHS12)
October, 2012, Maui, HI

in conjunction with the

21st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
(CIKM 2012)

Workshop Theme and Topics

Managing Interoperability and Complexity in Health Systems, MIXHS?12, aims
to be a forum focusing on the latest advances in bio-medical and e-health
knowledge and information management research. The workshop will provide an
opportunity for sharing practical experiences and best practices in e-health
information infrastructure development and management. It will gather
experts, researchers, system developers, practitioners and policymakers
designing and implementing solutions for managing clinical data and
integrating current and future electronic-health systems infrastructures.

Issues of biomedical data-mining in large heterogeneous clinical data-sets,
information retrieval and extraction in multiple medical repositories, the
management of complexity and the coherent update of knowledge in medicine,
clinical standards interoperability in distributed health systems and the
patient Electronic Health Record (EHR) are now becoming critical to
implementing enterprise and nationwide health systems.

Topics of interest will include knowledge management activities seeking to
address these issues by: (i) using clinical data mining, information
extraction and retrieval (ii) standardization of clinical classification
(i.e. International Classification of Diseases, ICD), large scale biomedical
terminologies and ontologies development (Systematized Nomenclature of
Medicine Clinical Terms, SNOMED CT), (iii) the standardization of clinical
information transfer formats (Health Level 7, HL7) and (iv) structuring of
clinical documents (Clinical Document Architecture, CDA) and the electronic
health records (EHR).

===Topic of Interest include but are not limited to:

   * Bio-medical Data-Mining, Information retrieval and extraction and NLP
on biomedical text
   * Inference and statistical Models of diseases & Multi-morbidity
   * Clinical Information Retrieval, Management and Normalization
   * Medical Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Expert and Clinical
Decision Support Systems
   * Interoperability in Distributed healthcare Systems
   * Clinical Information Standards (e.g. HL7) Clinical Terminologies,
Classifications (e.g. ICD 10) and biomedical ontologies (e.g. SNOMED - CT)
   * Hospital Enterprise Information Management Systems, Electronic Health
Record, (EHR), Clinical Document Architecture
   * Personalized Medicine via high throughput data integration

===Challenges and Visions Track

In cooperation with the Computing Community Consortium (CCC), MIXHS 11
invites submissions to a special "Challenges and Visions" track. The
emphasis of this track will be on visionary ideas, long term challenges, and
opportunities in research that are outside of the current mainstream topics
of the field.

Submissions will be judged on the extent to which they expand the
possibilities and horizons of the field or challenge existing assumptions
prevalent in the field.

Submissions to this track should follow the same formatting guidelines as
submissions to the research track , but are limited to at most FOUR pages in
length for both submission and final publication. Accepted papers will be
published in the conference proceedings.

To encourage researchers to present truly visionary concepts, the CCC is
offering prizes for up to 3 top papers in this special track: first prize
$1000, second prize $750, and third prize $500, to be awarded as travel

===Previous Workshop

The MIXHS 11 workshop was held with CIKM 2011 in Glasgow,

Last year?s workshop Electronic Proceedings are available on the ACM digital


All the accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings and
published at ACM Digital Library:

A selection of high quality submissions will be invited for further
refereeing for publication in one of 2 workshop Journal Special Issues:

   * Journal of Biomedical Semantics
   * Methods of Information in Medicine

Submissions to the workshop must be in one of the following 2 formats:

   * Full Research Paper Track (8 pages, ACM)
   * Short Paper Track for Challenges and Visions in Medical Informatics and
work in progress (4 pages, ACM)

All papers must be submitted ANONYMOUSLY for double-blind review.

Submissions must conform to the ACM proceedings style and submitted as PDF
files. Please use the:

ACM templates (the "Option 2" style).

To submit your paper, go to:

At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the workshop.
Information about registration is provided at CIKM 2011 Web

=== Workshop Schedule/Important Dates

   * Individual Workshop Papers Due: June 29, 2012
   * Notification of Acceptance: Aug, 3 2012
   * Camera Ready: August 26, 2011 (hard deadline for publication)

=== Programme Chairs

Cui Tao,

Division of Biomedical Statistics and Informatics, College of Medicine,

Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.A,

email: Tao.Cui at <>

Matt-Mouley Bouamrane,

College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences,

University of Glasgow,Scotland, U.K.

email: Matt-Mouley.Bouamrane at <>

Received on Wednesday, 9 May 2012 18:21:38 UTC