- From: robert Stevens <robert.stevens@manchester.ac.uk>
- Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 18:07:58 -0000
- To: <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
International Conference on biomedical Ontology 2012 co-located with FOIS 2012 Call for software demonstration papers and poster abstracts 21-25 July 2012; Graz, Austria. Conference Web site: http://purl.org/icbofois2012/ Deadline: 15 April 2012 Submit via: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icbo-2012 *** Software Demonstrations *** Software that create, manipulate and use biomedical ontologies will be an important feature of ICBO 2012. Without tools that use ontologies to help query, browse and analyse biomedical data the creation of all our biomedical ontologies is largely fruitless. So, come and show us your software that creates ontologies, manipulates ontologies, and is driven by ontologies. We want software demos to be first class citizens at ICBO, so submit your two-page software demonstration descriptions via our Easychair site at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icbo-2012, track 'ICBO 2012 -- Software Demonstrations'. *** Poster Abstracts *** We also want posters sessions at ICBO that stimulate discussion about our domain - the ontologies you've created; the things you've done with ontologies; support and supplementary information about the papers you've written for ICBO or elsewhere. Again, we want ICBO posters to be first class citizens at the conference (they wil have "flash" slots at the conference), so get writing your ICBO poster abstracts. Submit your 1-page abstracts to https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icbo-2012, track 'ICBO 2012 -- Poster Abstracts'. *** Contact *** For more information or to offer sponsorship, please send us a note at contact.icbo2012@gmail.com *** Organizing Committee *** General Chairs: Ronald Cornet (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and Robert Stevens (Manchester, UK) Workshops and Tutorials Chair: Melanie Courtot (Vancouver, Canada) Early Career Consortium Chair: Ludger Jansen (Rostock, Germany) Software Demonstration Chair: Trish Whetzel (Stanford, USA) Proceedings Chair: Janna Hastings (Geneva, Switzerland) Local Chair: Stefan Schulz (Graz, Austria) Robert Stevens Reader in bioHealth Informatics School of Computer Science University of Manchester Oxford Road Manchester United Kingdom M13 9PL robert.stevens@manchester.ac.uk Blog: http://robertdavidstevens.wordpress.com Home: http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~stevensr +44 161 275 6251 KBO
Received on Sunday, 18 March 2012 18:07:23 UTC