Combined LODD/BioRDF telcon March 5, Monday 8AM PST / 11 AM ET / 5PM CET

Dear BioRDF and LODD,

Here is the reminder for our telcon on Monday 8AM PST / 11 AM ET / 5PM CET.

Agenda is:
* Motion to move LODD interest group note to HTML - All
* Next steps for LODD - All
* Remaining tasks for expression RDF note - All
* Next steps for BioRDF - All

Please send me mail if you want to have something added to the agenda.


On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 1:15 PM, M. Scott Marshall
<> wrote:
> Only 3 of us signed up for a 'one-off' LODD telcon today at 12PM ET /
> 6PM CET so I propose that we cancel that and do a combined telcon for
> our next call.
> It looks like Monday 11AM ET / 5PM CET is the clear winner for the
> (day of the week/timeslot) poll going forward. However, I can't make
> next Monday Feb 27. In that case, I propose to hold our next meeting
> on Monday, March 5, 11AM ET / 5PM CET.
> Cheers,
> Scott
> On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 7:01 PM, M. Scott Marshall
> <> wrote:
>> Sorry all - I wish Doodle would set timezone support to the default
>> setting! I had to make a completely new poll. See below for links. See
>> also below for a slight clarification about the poll.
>> On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 1:53 PM, M. Scott Marshall
>> <> wrote:
>>> Looking for a spot in the bi-weekly schedule for continued activities
>>> stemming out of the BioRDF and LODD task forces, both producing
>>> consensus and documentation in the form of articles and W3C Interest
>>> Group notes. In the HCLS reorganization[1], these activities will
>>> occupy a single timeslot and meet on alternating weeks. In our next
>>> meeting, we will discuss ideas for future work as well as finishing
>>> notes in progress.
>> NEW Doodle Poll to establish preferences  for bi-weekly calls (now
>> with timezone support)
>> NOTE - the precise calendar dates are irrelevant - it's only about the
>> day of the week:
>>> I propose to have a one off LODD meeting on Tuesday 12PM ET / 6PM CET
>>> Feb. 21 (a week from tomorrow). Next Monday is Presidents Day in the
>>> U.S.
>> Here's the separate *LODD* doodle poll (with timezone support) for
>> that proposal:
>>> Cheers,
>>> Scott
>>> [1]

Received on Sunday, 4 March 2012 22:49:28 UTC