- From: Michel Dumontier <michel.dumontier@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 12:26:13 -0400
- To: "Mead, Charlie (NIH/NCI) [C]" <meadch@mail.nih.gov>, HCLS <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
- Cc: "Eric Prud'hommeaux" <eric@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CALcEXf7xzK2WG=yKg-hDwKXbwwpcW8k0C49i+iiEp69P-w_geg@mail.gmail.com>
Charlie, the public mailing list for the HCLS is - public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org the public calendar for the HCLS is the google calendar; if you login to the google calendar with w3c.hcls / hclshcls, you can click on your next date, add the agenda info to the box, save and send notice to participants. m. On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Mead, Charlie (NIH/NCI) [C] < meadch@mail.nih.gov> wrote: > SHould I send out a meeting annoucement for next TUesday's meeting to: > w3c.hcls@gmail.com<mailto:w3c.hcls@gmail.com>? > > ________________________________ > From: Michel Dumontier [michel.dumontier@gmail.com] > Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 10:40 AM > To: team-hcls-chairs@w3.org > Subject: Fwd: SBIR proposal: Prototype mediation service for Open-Source, > Universal Healthcare Exchange Language: Pilot connecting VistA and OSCAR > > Charlie / Eric > here's a conversation i'm having that needs to happen on Tuesday as well. > > m. > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: Rafael Richards <rmrich5@gmail.com<mailto:rmrich5@gmail.com>> > Date: Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 10:37 AM > Subject: Re: SBIR proposal: Prototype mediation service for Open-Source, > Universal Healthcare Exchange Language: Pilot connecting VistA and OSCAR > To: Michel Dumontier <michel.dumontier@gmail.com<mailto: > michel.dumontier@gmail.com>> > > > Michel, > > I would be delighted to discuss at next Tuesday's HCLS forum. > > The grant is looking for a live, active mediation service that could > broker patient data from any EHR, recognize what language the data is in > (VistA-ese, OSCAR-ese, etc.), and pass it to a polling recipient system. > Ideally this will be a pull mechanism that allows one EHR to ask for > specific data elements of a specific patient in another EHR, and obtain > this without human intervention. How would we design such a system? > > > As the deadline for this SBIR proposal is at the end of the month, it > leaves little time to apply. Is there any small company within the HCLS > community that would be a vehicle to apply for this grant, and engage the > HCLS community in helping solve this very basic issue? > > Rafael > > > > > > On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 3:09 PM, Michel Dumontier < > michel.dumontier@gmail.com<mailto:michel.dumontier@gmail.com>> wrote: > Hi Rafael, > Well this is really cool :) > > As you may be aware, Eric, Charlie and I are working on providing > feedback to HL7 and their FHIR initiative, which includes an RDF > representation of the patient record. Given that we have already done work > [1] to integrate (synthetic, indivo-based) patient records with linked open > data, there would be a prototype to follow, but this, i imagine, is > significantly larger and has more potential impact. Would you care to > discuss at next Tuesday's HCLS Health Care forum? > > m. > > [1] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21624155 > > > On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 8:03 AM, Rafael Richards <rmrich5@gmail.com > <mailto:rmrich5@gmail.com>> wrote: > Michel, > > The PCAST recommendation for a "Universal exchange language" , and need > for mediation services between RDF sources might make a nice topic on > HCLSIG. > > Any thoughts on projecting OSCAR's relational tables to RDF? Mediation > methods between EHR endpoints? > > Please forward to the OSCAR development team and anyone in the HCLSIG > community interested. > > There is funding available for this (see SBIR below). > > > Rafael > > > __________________ > > NOTES > > > From the press releases below, it looks like VA and DoD are looking hard > at 3M Health Data Dictionary as their semantic interoperability mediation. > The SBIR proposal states: > > "Through their Health Data Dictionary (HDD) product, 3M has also supported > some degree of semantic interoperability, using a knowledge representation > scheme linked to a unique concept identifier, but it is not a true > first-order predicate logic ontology". > > => How does lack "true first-order predicate logic ontology" affect the > HDD performance? > => Woud an RDF mediation service have "true first-order predicate logic"? > => Why would an RDF store and mediation offer better functionality than > the 3M HDD API? > > These are a few of the question we would need to answer in the SBIR. > > As a pilot why don't we also consider another open-source, community > supported EHR that is well connected to the SemWeb community? (OSCAR). > > Thoughts on piloting an VistA -OSCAR - SMART RDF mediation service? > > > Rafael > > _________________________________________________ > > Details on 3M HDD > > Press release on VA-DoD use of 3M HDD for interoperability: > > http://news.3m.com/press-release/company/3m-opens-access-3m-healthcare-data-dictionary-under-agreement-us-departments-d > > Timeline for incorporation of VA/DoD dictionaries into 3M HDD > http://www.hddaccess.com/timeline/ > > YouTube explanation of 3M HDD: > http://youtu.be/T_Qc93efnzI > > HDD Overview: > http://www.hddaccess.com/intro/overview/ > > HDD Demo: > http://search.hddaccess.com/ > http://search.hddaccess.com/demo > > > This is the ideal opportunity for us get some traction for RDF as the > PCAST report's "Universal Exchange Language". > > The SBIR grant is below, and link here: > > http://www.dodsbir.net/sitis/display_topic.asp?Bookmark=42567 > > > Proposals are due at the end of June. > > This is a Three-stage SBIR, so potentially large sums will be heading the > RDF way if we can get this started. > > Rafael > > > > > > Proposals Accepted: > Program: SBIR > Topic Number: DHP12-004 (DHP) > Title: Prototype, Open-Source, Universal Healthcare Exchange > Language > Research & Technical Areas: Biomedical > ________________________________ > > Acquisition Program: Office of the Principal Assistant for Acquisition > – USAMRMC > Objective: Prototype architecture to execute an open source, universal > health exchange language, as described in a recent President’s Council Of > Advisors On Science And Technology (PCAST) Report. > > Description: Most DOD, VHA, and civilian healthcare systems > encounter significant challenges in exchanging health information due to > the lack of a universal health exchange language. Without effective health > information exchange, continuity of patient care is less than optimal, > healthcare access and availability are hampered, and healthcare costs > increase. This topic is of particular importance to DOD, which is a > provider and payer of care for 9.6M beneficiaries. Two thirds of military > healthcare is delivered in the civilian sector. As a matter of background, > the PCAST Report On “Realizing The Full Potential Of Health Information > Technology To Improve Healthcare For Americans: The Path Forward”, sets > forth general recommendations regarding how healthcare information > technology can be used to improve healthcare access, availability, > acceptability, continuity, cost-effectiveness, and quality. The report > cites the beneficial work of the HHS Office of the National Coordinator > (ONC) for Healthcare Information Technology in developing standards and an > initial nationwide healthcare information exchange to share data to improve > healthcare delivery and support research for the public good. The report > points out that “national decisions can and should be made soon to > establish a “universal exchange language” that enables health IT data to be > shared across institutions; and also to create the infrastructure that > allows physicians and patients to assemble a patient’s data across > institutional boundaries, subject to strong, persistent, privacy safeguards > and consistent with applicable patient privacy preferences.” The PCAST > report further states that, “creating the required capabilities is > technically feasible, as demonstrated by technology frameworks with > demonstrated success in other sectors of the economy. The best way to > manage and store data for advanced health informatics is to break data down > into the smallest individual pieces that make sense to exchange or > aggregate. These individual pieces are called ‘tagged data elements, > because each unit of data is accompanied by a mandatory “metadata tag” > that describes the attributes, provenance, and required security > protections of the data.” Current state: Some research surrounding use of > healthcare metadata is underway and moving from academic labs into some > early practical uses, such as demonstrated by Dr. Parsa Mirhaji for use in > public health surveillance. Much of this research has been conducted using > semantic web technologies employing the Resource Descriptive Framework > (RDF), and Web Ontology Language (OWL), and query technologies such as > SPARQL, which utilize the concept of “tuples”, (subject, predicate, > object), to relate data and achieve semantic interoperability. Other > similar technologies exist, such as those from Metadata, Inc., although the > semi-proprietary Metadata language, parts of which is available from Open > Health Tools, is based on quintuplets vice tuples. Through their Health > Data Dictionary (HDD) product, 3M has also supported some degree of > semantic interoperability, using a knowledge representation scheme linked > to a unique concept identifier, but it is not a true first-order predicate > logic ontology. Language and Computing, now owned by Nuance, developed > LinkBase, the world’s largest medical ontology, with limited commercial > success. Adoption of these commercial technologies may have been limited by > their proprietary, versus open nature, and associated licensing costs. It > may be possible for some of these commercial technologies to be made open > source, with companies then selling services around their technology, but > this is a business decision that is up to the companies. Moving towards > developing open source terminology mediation services may place these > companies in a position wherein the Office of the National Coordinator for > Healthcare IT could adopt those terminology mediation services for use in > the Nationwide Health Information Network (NwHIN), and NwHIN Connect and > Direct products (typically using a Berkeley Software Development License). > In any event, the environment is ripe for continued academic and commercial > collaboration under an STTR to advance the domain. Desired State: Research > conducted under this topic will directly support the PCAST and ONC visions, > but would be conducted primarily on behalf of the Military Health System, > which provides an integrated healthcare delivery system for 9.6 million > beneficiaries. This care is delivered through a combination of direct care > Military Treatment Facilities and private healthcare delivery organizations > under the TRICARE triple option health benefits program. Nearly two thirds > of healthcare is delivered to military beneficiaries through the private > sector. Given that military families are also highly mobile, moving on > average every three years to new duty stations, finding a way to exchange > data and create a longitudinal virtual electronic health record is an > important objective of military medicine. Clearly the research would also > be extensible to other national publically and privately funded healthcare > delivery systems and information exchanges. The prototype to develop a > universal exchange language for healthcare information and a digital > infrastructure for locating patient records while strictly ensuring patient > privacy may employ the U.S. Army Telemedicine and Advanced Technology > Research Center’s (TATRC) Early Stage Platform (ESP) for Research and > Development, which provides a fully replicate DOD Electronic Health Record > and CHCS computerized physician order entry and results retrieval system > for third party development, using virtual machine access. TATRC will > coordinate this research closely with HHS, Office of the Nationwide > Healthcare Information Coordinator, the Veterans Administration, and with > the Center for Medicare Services (CMS). It is fully expected that the > research will be extendable into the public good and will benefit the > development of new electronic health records developed by the private > sector that would utilize the universal exchange language. > > > PHASE I: In Phase I, the awardee will outline a strategic, > operational, and technical alternatives to creating a prototype, open > source, universal health exchange language service that can operate as a > service on the NwHIN, and support health exchange for military medicine. > Phase I work should center on a limited number of use cases to be > determined in conjunction with the government Contracting Officer > Representative. Phase I will also provide opportunity for consultation with > ONC for Healthcare IT and other subject matter experts. At the conclusion > of Phase I, the awardee will recommend a technical reference implementation > architecture, which will then be built as a prototype in Phase II of the > SBIR. > > > PHASE II: In Phase II, the awardee will build the universal health > language prototype, as an open source service on the NwHIN Connect > solution, and demonstrate the exchange of military, VA, and civilian health > data with semantic interoperability in a laboratory setting, potentially > using the TATRC early stage platform for research and development. At the > conclusion of Phase II, the prototype will be demonstrated to U.S. Army > TATRC, Military Health System, HHS ONC for Healthcare IT, HHS CMS, Veterans > Administration, and other government officials. > > > PHASE III: In Phase III, the universal health language service > would be implemented on the NwHIN, or otherwise in local or regional health > information exchanges to support scalable terminology mediation between > electronic health records systems. Such work may also be commercialized and > of interest to commercial electronic healthcare vendors. Ideally, the > universal health language service would be an open source service, with the > vendor choosing to sell services around the open technology. > > > References: 1. President’s Council of Advisors on Science and > Technology (PCAST) Report On “Realizing The Full Potential of Health > Information Technology To Improve Healthcare for Americans: The Path > Forward, “ December 2010, > http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/pcast-health-it-report.pdf2. Marco Eichelberg, Thomas Aden And J Org Riesmeier, et al, “A Survey and > Analysis of Electronic Healthcare Record Standards”, > http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Parsa Mirhaji, Dean Allemang, Robert Coyne, S. Ward Casscells: Improving > the Public Health Information Network through Semantic Modeling. IEEE > Intelligent Systems 22(3): 13-17 (2007), > http://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/MIS.2007.53 4. Parsa > Mirhaji, Min Zhu, Mattew Vagnoni, Elmer V. Bernstam, Jiajie Zhang, Jack W. > Smith: Ontology driven integration platform for clinical and translational > research. BMC Bioinformatics 10(S-2): (2009) > http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/10/S2/S2 5. Marco Eichelberg, > Thomas Aden And J Org Riesmeier, et al, “A Survey and Analysis of > Electronic Healthcare Record Standards”, > http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences (HCLS) Interest Group > http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/hcls/ 7. W3C Semantic Web in Health Care and > Life Sciences Tutorial, > http://videolectures.net/iswc08_prudhommeaux_swhcls/ > > > Keywords: PCAST Report, Healthcare Information Technology, Universal > Health Exchange Language, Patient Record Locator, Patient Privacy > ________________________________ > Questions and Answers: > Q: Could you clarify some of the above requirements for the prototype: > > 1) Topic description refers (as current state) to exchange languages used > by existing products, languages such as RDF, OWL and few proprietary ones. > This followed by explanation: "...but it is not a true first-order > predicate logic ontology" > > Question: is inclusion of true first-order predicate logic ontology a > requirement for successful exchange language? > > 2) It also mentioned among the obstacles "Adoption of these commercial > technologies may have been limited by their proprietary, versus open > nature, and associated licensing costs." > > Question: In light of open source requirement is commercialization > strategy for the prototype expected to be based on potential service fees > from DoD and other potential governmental clients? > > A: 1. No. However, the government advises that the proposer provide a > clear description of the technologies, ontologies, and methods to be used > in the project, along with a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages > of those technologies, ontologies, and methods, and associated > implementation risks, and maintenance costs. > > 2. The government prefers use of open, standards-based technologies, > versus closed technologies. In addition, the government would prefer use of > open source technologies, which are licensed under a variety of licensing > models (i.e. BSD, GNU, and others), some of which are more business > friendly than others. If the proposer bids such open source technologies, > than it should clearly indicate in its commercialization plan how it would > sell services around these open source technologies. With that said, some > proposers may still choose to bid use of proprietary technologies with > traditional end user licensing agreements or fee-based subscription > services. > > Q: Creating a full blown Open-Source, Universal Healthcare Exchange > Language is a massive undertaking. We specialize in patient care in virtual > worlds where patient data is collected and transmitted back to care givers. > This transference necessarily demands an ontology. Are you interested in > our creating a sub-standard for patient health data under the larger > Open-Source, Universal Healthcare Exchange Language? > > A: Perhaps. Note that there are many healthcare terminologies, lexicons, > thesauri, controlled medical vocabularies, ontologies, and knowledge > representation frameworks already. Our interest is primarily in how to > automate mapping among many of these. > > > Q: So, is what you are really looking for is something like an online > HealthCare Rosetta Stone? > > A: Please define Rosetta Stone. If you are referring to Rosetta Stone™, a > registered trademark for foreign language translation software, the answer > is not really, but perhaps as related to healthcare. If you are referring > to the terms Rosetta Stone in a more generic sense, and applied to > healthcare, such as described in > http://healthcarereformnow.blogspot.com/2007/12/health-care-rosetta-stone.html, > and/or > http://successfulworkplace.com/2012/03/16/translating-healthcares-rosetta-stone/, > the answer is yes. There was also an HHS sponsored OASIS effort which > developed a “Rosetta Stone” for Long Term Care terminology mediation, > http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2011/StratEng-E.htm; some of that > thinking is applicable. Given all of this past history, though, the new 3M > Open HDD may provide for universal health language exchange. Additional > research is necessary on how this product would be implemented in > electronic health records and health information exchanges. > > > > Q: Successful execution of this project will require critical engagement > with federal partners that can help guide the development of protocols and > frameworks that meet the expectations of the proposed DoD/VA environment. > Please comment on the anticipated accessibility of the health IT leadership > at the DoD/VA to help the project team identify and execute the highest > impact use cases across different phases of this project. > > A: The Contracting Officer's Representative will make a best effort to > integrate this work with a specific use case or more immediate research > need which may present in the TRICARE Management Activity; HHS Office of > the National Coordinator for Healthcare IT, Veteran's Administration; or > DOD/VA Integrated Program Office. Key staff in these organizations are > aware of the SBIR topic. With the announcement that certain aspects of the > 3M HDD will be made open source, and considered for use in the DOD/VA joint > integrated electronic health record; and a recent announcement that the VA > has an RFI on the street to have a vendor assess the applicability of the > Open 3M HDD to use with VA's VISTA system; this SBIR may be able to support > that effort, and presents a possible route for technology transfer within > government. > > Q: A key validation of the PCAST framewrork is the extent to which it's > able to address secondary and unexpected uses of healthcare data. Visionary > and motivated sponsors within the federal government, specifically within > MHS and VHA, are critical for helping define the PCAST framework. Thus, are > candidate sponsors readily identifiable and available for applicants to > interview prior to submission of proposals in response to this solicitation > in order to better understand the MHS and/or VHA vision for the PCAST > framework? > > A: The Contracting Officer Representative will make a best attempt effort > to have the recipient(s) of this SBIR Phase I funding work directly with > representatives in the U.S. Army Telemedicine and Advanced Technology > Research Center; Joint Program Committee-1; TRICARE Management Activity; > HHS Office of the National Coordinator for Healthcare IT; VA; and DOD/VA > Integrated Program Office (IPO), on this topic. > > Q: Is the primary intent of this SBIR solicitation to demonstrate > feasibility of the proposed UEL across a wide variety of use cases, or is > it to address the technical scale and performance, as well as enterprise > governance issues, for it to work in a realistic DoD/VA setting? > > A: Given recent announcements at > http://www.healthdatamanagement.com/news/3M-data-dictionary-open-source-interoperability-coding-44468-1.html, > efforts are underway to determine if the VA and DOD/VA Integrated Program > Office are interested in applying the effort of this SBIR to analyzing the > use of the Open 3M HDD with the DOD/VA Integrated Electronic Health Record, > which is under development. > > Update from TPOC w/ additional information: > Open 3M HDD Access at: http://www.hddaccess.com/intro/faq/#answer3 > Also: http://concepthub.org > > Q: 1. Who would be the immediate consumers of the framework and system > created through this SBIR initiative? > > 2. Additionally, are there relevant, high-priority projects already within > MHS and/or VHA that can be described to the applicants prior to submission > of the Phase I application? > > A: There are several potential consumers of such a universal healthcare > exchange language: the Nationwide Health Information Network, State HIEs, > Regional HIEs, Local HIEs, individual medical centers who desire to > exchange data internally for various use cases. The work may be of interest > to commercial EHR vendors and HIE vendors. Given the recent announcement > that the 3M HDD will become open, and potentially be used as a major > component of the DOD/VA Joint EHR, the DOD/VA Integrated Program Office > would be another likely consumer of the framework. > > Q: Should a response to this solicitation focus on the life cycle, > workflows, and tools for creation and management of UEL expressions > implemented in the context of appropriate use cases, or, alternatively, > should the response be centered around developing a minimal UEL framework > that illustrates value and jump starts a community of practice around this? > > A: The government is flexible to a proposal from either approach. > > Q: PCAST makes ambitious recommendations around meta-data representation > frameworks, UEL, identity management, encryption and protection, > authentication and authorization, index/search/access/retrieval of > distributed health information, to granular consent representation and > patient centered consent management, context aware visualization and > representation of health information. Given the ambitious nature of the > report's recommendations, what specific area(s) is this SBIR solicitation > targeting? > > A: We concur that the PCAST report is ambitious. The government views the > topic broadly and will accept proposals for any of the areas outlined in > the PCAST report that rely on a universal exchange language. The government > recognizes that an SBIR managed by the Army will not solve the complex > challenge at hand, but the SBIR does provide an opportunity to jump start > research in this area. Of particular concern is how the new 3M Open HDD may > be implemented in the DOD/VA Joint EHR under development by the DOD/VA > Integrated Program Office (IPO). > > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > Michel Dumontier > Associate Professor of Bioinformatics, Carleton University > Chair, W3C Semantic Web for Health Care and the Life Sciences Interest > Group > http://dumontierlab.com > > > > > > -- > Michel Dumontier > Associate Professor of Bioinformatics, Carleton University > Chair, W3C Semantic Web for Health Care and the Life Sciences Interest > Group > http://dumontierlab.com > > -- Michel Dumontier Associate Professor of Bioinformatics, Carleton University Chair, W3C Semantic Web for Health Care and the Life Sciences Interest Group http://dumontierlab.com
Received on Thursday, 21 June 2012 16:27:18 UTC