
                              Call for Papers
        Ninth International Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules
                                 CHR 2012

                  Budapest (Hungary), September 4th, 2012
                        (co-located with ICLP 2012)



    The CHR 2012 Workshop will be held on September 4th, 2012 in Budapest,
    Hungary, at the occasion of the 28th International Conference on Logic
    Programming (ICLP 2010), the premier international venue for presenting
    research in logic programming. More information on the venue and the
    co-located conference and workshops can be found on the ICLP website

    The Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) language has become a major declara-
    tive specification formalism and implementation language for constraint
    reasoning algorithms and applications. Algorithms specified using infe-
    rence rules, rewrite rules, sequents, proof rules, or logical axioms can
    often be directly written in CHR. Its clean semantics facilitates pro-
    gram design, analysis, and transformation. For more information, please
    visit the CHR website (

    The aim of the CHR workshop series is to stimulate and promote interna-
    tional research and collaboration on topics related to the CHR language.
    The workshop is a lively, friendly forum for presenting and discussing
    new results, interesting applications, and work in progress.
    Previous Workshops on Constraint Handling Rules were organized in 2004
    in Ulm (Germany), in 2005 in Sitges (Spain) at ICLP, in 2006 in Venice
    (Italy) at ICALP, in 2007 in Porto (Portugal) at ICLP, in 2008 in Hagen-
    berg (Austria) at RTA, in 2009 in Pasadena (California, US) at ICLP, in
    2010 in Edinburgh (Scotland, UK) at ICLP, and in 2011 in Cairo (Egypt),
    at the 2nd CHR summer school.

Topics of Interest

    The workshop calls for full papers and short papers describing ongoing
    work on any aspect of CHR and related approaches. The following topics
    are relevant (this list is non-exhaustive):

    - (Logical) Algorithms
    - Applications
    - Comparisons with Related Approaches
    - Constraint Solvers
    - Critical Assessment
    - Expressiveness and Complexity
    - Implementations and Optimization
    - Language Extensions (Types, Modules,...)
    - Program Analysis
    - Program Transformation and Generation
    - Programming Environments (Debugging)
    - Programming Pearls
    - Programming Tools
    - Retractable Constraints
    - Semantics
    - System Descriptions

Important dates

    - Paper submission deadline: July 15th, 2012 (EXTENDED!)
    - Notification of acceptance: August 8th, 2012
    - Final version due: August 24th, 2012
    - Workshop date: September 4th, 2012

Submission Information

    The four broad categories for submissions are:

       1. technical papers for describing technically sound, innovative
          ideas that can advance the state of the art of CHR
       2. application papers, where the emphasis will be on the use of CHR
          in the application, on the impact on the application domain, and
          the lessons learned from this application
       3. system and tool papers, emphasising the novelty, practicality,
          usability and general availability of the systems and tools
       4. short papers, for ongoing work not yet ready for full publication
          and research project overviews.

    All papers must describe original, previously unpublished research, and
    must not simultaneously be submitted for publication elsewhere.
    They must be written in English. Technical papers must not exceed 15
    pages. The limit for short papers is 8 pages, as is the standard page
    limit for application papers, and system and tool papers. However,
    particularly strong contributions in the latter two areas may be
    submitted as technical paper as well.

    All papers must be in the Springer LNCS format. General information
    about the Springer LNCS series and the LNCS authors' instructions are
    available at the Springer LNCS home page

    Submissions must be made via the EasyChair submission system, available

Programme Committee

    - Henning Christiansen, Roskilde University, Denmark
    - Veronica Dahl, Simon Fraser University, Canada
    - François Fages, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France
    - Thom Frühwirth, Ulm University, Germany (co-chair)
    - Maurizio Gabbrielli, Universita' di Bologna, Italy
    - Rémy Haemmerlé, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
    - Thierry Martinez, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France
    - Eric Monfroy, Université de Nantes, France
    - Tom Schrijvers, University of Ghent, Belgium
    - Jon Sneyers, KU Leuven, Belgium (co-chair)
    - Armin Wolf, Fraunhofer FIRST, Germany

Workshop Coordinators


    Jon Sneyers
    Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven
    Leuven, Belgium

    Thom Frühwirth
    Programmiermethodik und Compilerbau, Ulm University
    Ulm, Germany

Received on Monday, 2 July 2012 09:51:48 UTC