- From: Robert Stanley <rstanley@io-informatics.com>
- Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 15:13:46 -0800
- To: "Michel Dumontier" <michel.dumontier@gmail.com>, "Vagnoni,Matthew M" <MMVagnoni@mdanderson.org>
- Cc: "Amit Sheth" <amit.sheth@wright.edu>, "Helena Deus" <helenadeus@gmail.com>, "W3C HCLSIG hcls" <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <08AE3015BD5DF149951910A5E851F010B7B918@MAIL-02.io-informatics.com>
As a second to Michel's last note, IO Informatics has also worked with SADI and find it useful as a discovery service: http://www.slideshare.net/markmoby/swat4ls-2011-sadi-knowledge-explorer- plugin It is maturing for stability, performance and available endpoints. All the best, Bob IO Informatics From: Michel Dumontier [mailto:michel.dumontier@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 3:00 PM To: Vagnoni,Matthew M Cc: Amit Sheth; Helena Deus; W3C HCLSIG hcls Subject: Re: semantic web services review? There's also the SADI semantic web service framework [1], which we have used to integrate data, ontologies and services for dynamic knowledge discovery [2], [3] [1] http://sadiframework.org , http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22024447 [2] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21791100 [3] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21575200 Cheers, m. On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 4:14 PM, Vagnoni,Matthew M <MMVagnoni@mdanderson.org> wrote: I did a large review of them in anticipation of a project at mdacc. It seems like they sort of peaked 5-6 years ago. I did do some of my own work, mainly focused around discovery and navigation by transforming WSDL to a simplified version of Check out * Artemis: Deploying Semantically Enriched Web Services in the Health Care Domain (2004) * Brinigng Semantics to Web Services (2003 IEEE) * Planning for Semantic Web Services * Semantic Web Services (google Sheila McIlraith) I think these are the common SWS Standards * OWL-S, * WSML * SA-WSDL <http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/sawsdl/> (the standard) * SSWAP <http://sswap.info/protocol.jsp> (wikipedia <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSWAP> ) lightweight, document-centric protocol I have a quick power point about some of the work I did, which I can send you if you are interested. Best, Matt Vagnoni, MS Sr Data Modeler CAI at MDACC (713) 563-5108 <tel:%28713%29%20563-5108> From: Amit Sheth [mailto:amit.sheth@wright.edu] Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2012 11:46 AM To: Helena Deus Cc: W3C HCLSIG hcls Subject: Re: semantic web services review? Here is one of recent one: http://knoesis.org/library/resource.php?id=750 I cannot say if it is good or not :-) Amit Amit Sheth Twitter <http://twitter.com/amit_p> Blog <http://amitsheth.blogspot.com> LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/amitsheth> Home Page <http://knoesis.org/amit> @ Kno.e.sis <http://knoesis.org> - Ohio Center of Excellence in Knowledge-enabled Computing LexisNexis Ohio Eminent Scholar, Wright State University On Jan 5, 2012, at 10:40 AM, Helena Deus wrote: Hi all, Does anybody know of a good review or report on semantic web services? Thanks! Lena __ Helena F. Deus Post-Doctoral Researcher at DERI/NUIG http://lenadeus.info/ -- Michel Dumontier Associate Professor of Bioinformatics Carleton University http://dumontierlab.com
Received on Tuesday, 24 January 2012 13:13:52 UTC