The next NCBO Webinar will be presented by Suzanne Santamaria from Virginia
Tech on "Use of ontologies in veterinary medicine" at 10:00am PST,
Wednesday, Dec 19. Below is information on how to join the online meeting
via WebEx and accompanying teleconference. For the full schedule of the
NCBO Webinar presentations see:
Although veterinary medicine is an established field, the use of ontologies
in veterinary medicine is a small but growing area. Ontologies are
currently used in disease surveillance systems, in hospital case
repositories and are being tailored for utilization in practice management
systems. In this presentation we will explore some of these current and
developing uses of ontologies in veterinary medicine as well as some areas
where ontologies have a role in the future.
Suzanne Santamaria is a veterinary terminologist and research assistant
professor in the Veterinary Medical Informatics Laboratory at the
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech.
Dr. Santamaria has more than 6 years of experience in developing and
managing ontologies, including a veterinary extension of SNOMED-CT, and in
analyzing the Structured Product Label (SPL) for use in veterinary
medicine. She recently led the efforts to develop the Animals in Context
Dr. Santamaria has a DVM from Purdue University and a MS in veterinary
medical informatics from Virginia Tech. She is currently president-elect of
the Association for Veterinary Informatics (AVI). She has published
ontology related articles in the Journal of Veterinary Medical Education
and for the 2012 International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO),
and is a regular speaker at the AVI Talbot Symposium on Informatics held at
the annual American Veterinary Medical Association Convention.
To start or join the online meeting
Go to
Meeting Number: 925 756 393
Meeting Password: ncbo
Audio conference information
To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the
meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code.
Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-429-3300
Global call-in numbers:
Access code:925 756 393