- From: M. Scott Marshall <mscottmarshall@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 20:09:25 +0100
- To: HCLS <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>, Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche <pierre-yves.vandenbussche@mondeca.com>, "a.gray@cs.man.ac.uk" <a.gray@cs.man.ac.uk>
- Message-ID: <CACHzV2MmL6UmijWf_QVu4Gp0AMuzhaYUFrawi1HshMamXi3MrQ@mail.gmail.com>
Monday's meeting covered a lot of ground starting with approval of the IG note: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/hcls/notes/hcls-rdf-guide/ , immediately followed by great news from Michel about Bio2RDF plans to host the fuberlin datasets. DrugBank is already there. Rich is supplying DailyMed (as SPL) and Jun will supply the latest version of TCM. Also, Michel is working on recreating SIDER. The accessibility problems with the Berlin LODD sets demonstrates a number of issues that keep coming up: 1) There should be more than one copy of the data on the Web - it should not be centralized. So, registries such as CKAN/Datahub should have an approach for providing information about multiple versions and RDF renderings of the same dataset - see DrugBank. 2) When you publish your data on the Web, publish it with the scripts/programs that you used to produce it. A few suggestions for providing a URL to the source code: Googlecode or pastebin. 3) There should be a way for people to track performance and downtime of SPARQL endpoints such as is done at http://www.biocatalogue.org/ . Mondeca is doing something similar for the Datahub at http://labs.mondeca.com/sparqlEndpointsStatus/index.html (seems to be down at the moment - Pierre-Yves?). We also looked at some issues such as void:updateFrequency and discussed ways to handle a combination of versioning of datasets and release dates. In the OpenPHACTS document, there is an updateFrequency vocabulary: http://www.openphacts.org/specs/2012/WD-datadesc-20121019/#appendix-frequency-vocabulary. -------------------------- I look forward to our next discussion in which we trade tips for describing data sets so that they can be automatically evaluated for use and will update the wiki to reflect this new activity. Alasdair sent an example data description in Turtle and is willing to tell us how such things are being handled in OpenPHACTS. Unfortunately, I have a conflict next Monday but would like to pick this up again soon. Perhaps we could have the meeting next Tuesday? Please fill in the doodle: http://doodle.com/r3e5uma5hvh448yh -Scott Regrets: Egon, Alasdair, [17:00] <egonw> mscottm: I can only join via chat [17:02] <mscottm> http://www.openphacts.org/specs/2012/WD-datadesc-20121019/ [17:02] * michael (~michael@public.irc.w3.org<https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=michael@public.irc.w3.org>) has joined #HCLS [17:02] * boycer (~boycer@public.irc.w3.org<https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=boycer@public.irc.w3.org>) has joined #HCLS [17:02] <mscottm> http://www.openphacts.org/specs/2012/WD-datadesc-20121019/ [17:02] <@ericP> i'm monitoring here as well [17:02] * Zakim (zakim@public.cloak) has joined #hcls [17:03] * harry (~harry@public.irc.w3.org<https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=harry@public.irc.w3.org>) has joined #HCLS [17:03] <mscottm> http://www.openphacts.org/specs/2012/WD-datadesc-20121019/ [17:05] * matthias_samwald (~matthias_samwald@public.irc.w3.org<https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=matthias_samwald@public.irc.w3.org>) has joined #hcls [17:05] <michel> interesting - that document links to dublin core terms frequency - http://dublincore.org/groups/collections/frequency/2007-03-09/#freqtriennial [17:05] <boycer> Here is the guide: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/hcls/notes/hcls-rdf-guide/ [17:05] <mscottm> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/hcls/notes/hcls-rdf-guide/ [17:07] <@ericP> i think i incorporated all of the latest edits [17:07] <@ericP> i also changed the question index from an image of a table to an html list [17:07] <@ericP> any objections? [17:08] * danM (~danM@public.cloak) has joined #HCLS [17:08] <mscottm> no objection - rather thanks for that Eric! [17:08] <michel> looks good [17:09] <mscottm> michael: Eric - I saw that one change still hasn't been incorporated. A sentence about Ontobee. ? [17:11] <mscottm> Actually, nevermind about the Ontobee Eric. It's done. [17:11] <michel> +1 [17:12] <michel> good job guys! [17:14] <boycer> too much static! [17:15] <michael> i need to head out, nice job, all, on the note [17:15] * michael (~michael@public.irc.w3.org<https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=michael@public.irc.w3.org>) Quit ("Page closed") [17:17] <mscottm> Scott: Anyone know of status or solutions to the Berlin -> Mannheim datasets in LODD? [17:19] <mscottm> Michel: Bio2RDF has (or is getting in the case of SPL/DailyMed from Rich) all datasets except for TCMgenedit [17:19] <mscottm> Scott: I think that we can get that from Jun [17:20] <mscottm> [Michel explains to Rich how to upload DailyMed using git] [17:20] <mscottm> Michel: Just planning the Bio2RDF v3 [17:21] <mscottm> http://www.openphacts.org/specs/2012/WD-datadesc-20121019/ [17:25] * michel (~michel@public.irc.w3.org<https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=michel@public.irc.w3.org>) Quit (Ping timeout: 60 seconds) [17:25] <mscottm> http://www.openphacts.org/specs/2012/WD-datadesc-20121019/#appendix-frequency-vocabulary [17:26] * egonw (~egonw@public.cloak) Quit ("Konversation terminated!") [17:29] <mscottm> http://vocab.deri.ie/void [17:32] <boycer> Discussion of attaching meaningful metadata on versioning of linked datasets [17:32] <boycer> UniProt seen as a good example [17:32] <boycer> http://www.uniprot.org/faq/14 [17:33] <mscottm> Found periodicity here: http://vocab.deri.ie/dady# [17:34] <boycer> Suggested goal - Establish consensus among important players - e.g., bio2rdf, Open PHACTs, [17:34] <boycer> getting input from UniProt [17:34] <mscottm> Erich: source version is important [17:34] <boycer> Matthias - lots of metadata standards , not many used [17:34] <boycer> (example, http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/) [17:34] <mscottm> Scott: yes, indeed. It is essential [17:35] <boycer> Matthias proposes simple model : updates (weekly, monthly) [17:35] <boycer> has to address issues when target datasets are published less frequently than LODD datasets [17:36] <boycer> currently innacuracy exist at LODD dataset page [17:36] <boycer> http://www.w3.org/wiki/HCLSIG/LODD/Data [17:37] <boycer> idea: date for when target dataset (snapshot) and publication of the RDF dataset (e.g., versioning system date) [17:38] <boycer> Scott - how to deal w/ no version - dates might address this issue. [17:39] <boycer> project might not need to be long term - just get some agreement on minimum data from major dataset owners [17:40] <boycer> persons making the RDF rendering [17:44] <matthias_samwald> Sorry, need to leave now. Bye! [17:44] <boycer> bye [17:45] <egombocz> sorry, need also to leave for another meeting - bye! [17:45] * egombocz (~egombocz@public.irc.w3.org<https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=egombocz@public.irc.w3.org>) Quit ("Page closed") [17:45] <mscottm> Thanks for coming Matthias and Erich! [17:46] <boycer> Rich proposes moving this forward by developing a survey of members of the RDF/LOD community - survey would present issue and ask how likely existing metadata elements are relevant to the published dataset [17:46] <mscottm> Rich: Create a survey to establish most important issues, types of metadata [17:46] <boycer> also, request what barriers there are to using metadata elements [17:47] <boycer> Dan - informal standard for provenance -- trying to find it [17:47] <mscottm> You can also search for vocabularies with LOV, example: http://lov.okfn.org/dataset/lov/search/#s=periodicity [17:48] <boycer> workflow and provenance - related work from Taverna [17:50] <boycer> see "General Dataset Metadata" in http://www.openphacts.org/specs/2012/WD-datadesc-20121019/ [17:51] <boycer> Scott - what to do with the code that generates the linked data set [17:53] <mscottm> Rich: Suggest Googlecode or pastebin for quick URL to code. [17:54] * MacTed (~Thud@public.cloak) Quit (Ping timeout: 60 seconds) [17:55] <mscottm> ..Googlecode lets you choose between svn and git (?), gives version number and control, and a link to a particular version. [17:56] <boycer> I need to go to another meeting. [17:56] <boycer> thanks, bye [17:57] * MacTed (~Thud@public.cloak) has joined #hcls [18:00] * matthias_samwald (~matthias_samwald@public.irc.w3.org<https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=matthias_samwald@public.irc.w3.org>) Quit (Ping timeout: 60 seconds) [18:02] * MacTed (~Thud@public.cloak) Quit (Ping timeout: 60 seconds) [18:02] * MacTed (~Thud@public.cloak) has joined #hcls [18:06] <danM> The Open Provenance Model (OPM), http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/271449/1/opm.pdf, speaks to computations that are started and completed. I do not see any obvious input from this prior work on how to deal with periodic activities, including documentation/declaration of a database update cycle. [18:07] <danM> I've got to move on to my next meeting. I'll be in touch. Dan [18:07] <mscottm> Thanks Dan. [18:07] * danM (~danM@public.irc.w3.org<https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=danM@public.irc.w3.org>) Quit ("Page closed") [18:09] <harry> Likewise. thanks. Talk to you all later. [18:09] * harry (~harry@public.irc.w3.org<https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=harry@public.irc.w3.org>) Quit ("Page closed") [18:09] <mscottm> Thanks Harry. Bye. [18:11] <@ericP> Zakim, who is here? [18:11] <Zakim> sorry, ericP, I don't know what conference this is [18:11] <Zakim> On IRC I see MacTed, Zakim, boycer, mscottm, achille_zappa, ericP [18:11] <@ericP> Zakim, this is hcls [18:11] <Zakim> ok, ericP; that matches SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM [18:11] <@ericP> Zakim, who is here? [18:11] <Zakim> On the phone I see +31.62.427.aaaa, EricP [18:11] <Zakim> On IRC I see MacTed, Zakim, boycer, mscottm, achille_zappa, ericP [18:12] <@ericP> how to forward people's attention: [18:12] <@ericP> 1 one reference at top: please see <a href="hcls wiki emerging practices">latest developments<a/> [18:13] <@ericP> 2 one fragment per (interesting) section: <h2>service description</h2> please see <a href="hcls wiki emerging practices#service_description">latest developments<a/> [18:13] <@ericP> 2 one page per (interesting) section: <h2>service description</h2> please see <a href="hcls wiki emerging practices/service_description">latest developments<a/> [18:16] * MacTed (~Thud@public.cloak) Quit ("") [18:17] <Zakim> -EricP [18:17] <Zakim> - +31.62.427.aaaa [18:17] <Zakim> SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM has ended [18:17] <Zakim> Attendees were [IPcaller], +31.62.427.aaaa, +1.510.705.aabb, michel, +1.412.624.aacc, +1.512.633.aadd, +1.206.732.aaee, EricP [18:27] * Disconnected -- M. Scott Marshall, PhD MAASTRO clinic, http://www.maastro.nl/en/1/ http://eurecaproject.eu/ https://plus.google.com/u/0/114642613065018821852/posts http://www.linkedin.com/pub/m-scott-marshall/5/464/a22
Received on Thursday, 13 December 2012 19:09:54 UTC