Re: Special Issue of Journal of Web Semantics on Data Linking

On 23/04/2012 15:48, Helena Deus wrote:
> can't make it today :(
> but would be happy to read the meeting minutes, if you make these available

Same here. Regrets.



> cheers,
> Lena
> On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 3:44 PM, M. Scott Marshall<
>> wrote:
>>> these are at the essence of one aspect of systems biology, to which i
>>> would add significance testing, i.e. most significant differentially
>>> expressed genes.
>>> can our bioRDF paper be extended to show how gene sets can be created and
>>> compared using semantic web technologies from raw gene expression data?
>> Agreed. I have always wanted to be able to take more factors into
>> consideration when performing significance analysis, such as pathways,
>> co-regulated genes, common transcription factors, and other knowledge
>> about the genes and conditions related to the probe being analyzed.
>> That, in contrast with, looking at GO enrichment after the
>> significance analysis has been done.
>> Let's talk about this in the BioRDF / LODD telcon starting at 11AM ET
>> today.
>> Cheers,
>> Scott
>>> Michael Miller
>>> Software Engineer
>>> Institute for Systems Biology
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: M. Scott Marshall []
>>>> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 2:54 AM
>>>> To: HCLS
>>>> Subject: Fwd: Special Issue of Journal of Web Semantics on Data Linking
>>>> FYI -Scott
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: François Scharffe<>
>>>> Date: Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 11:05 AM
>>>> Subject: Special Issue of Journal of Web Semantics on Data Linking
>>>> To: ""<>
>>>> * Apologies for cross-posting *
>>>> This special issue of the Journal of Web Semantics focuses on the
>>>> problem of finding links between datasets published as linked data.
>>>> Today the web of data has become a reality. The ever increasing number
>>>> of datasets published as RDF according to the linked data principles,
>>>> the support of major search engines, e-commerce sites and social
>>>> networks give no doubt that the early scenarios of the semantic Web
>>>> vision will soon become a reality.
>>>> The power of the web lies in its networked structure, in the
>>>> connections between the resources it contains. Similarly, linked data
>>>> enable the interlinking of data resources so that databases become
>>>> interconnected and the information they contain become part of a huge
>>>> distributed database. The transformation of the Web from a “Web of
>>>> documents” into a “Web of data”, as well as the availability of large
>>>> collections of sensor generated data (“internet of things”), is
>>>> leading to a new generation of Web applications based on the
>>>> integration of both data and services. At the same time, new data are
>>>> published every day out of user generated contents and public Web
>>>> sites.
>>>> This emergence of the Web of data raises many challenges, such as the
>>>> need of comparing and matching data with the goal of resolving the
>>>> multiplicity of data references to the same real-world objects and of
>>>> finding useful and relevant similarities and correspondences among
>>>> data. The Web needs techniques and tools for the discovery of data
>>>> links, and a suitable theory for the understanding and definition of
>>>> the data links meaning.
>>>> About data links, one of the most important goals is to provide means
>>>> to ensure that the interconnection between data is effective. The
>>>> design of algorithms, methodologies, languages and tools that provide
>>>> more efficient and automated ways to link data is essential for the
>>>> growth of the Web of data rather than a set of disjoint data islands.
>>>> While the problems of entity resolution have been studied in the
>>>> database community for a long time, the Web of data environment
>>>> presents new important challenges at different levels. Large volumes
>>>> of data and the variety of repositories which have to be processed
>>>> rise the need for scalable linking techniques which require minimal
>>>> user involvement. On the other hand, in cases where user configuration
>>>> effort is required, there is a need for tools to be usable by
>>>> non-experts in the domain.
>>>> Given that published data links can be used by automatic reasoning
>>>> tools, it is important to capture the meaning of links in a precise
>>>> way. Since quality of automatically generated links can vary, their
>>>> provenance and reliability have to be modelled in an explicit way.
>>>> Finally, to capture and compare the reliability of different tools and
>>>> techniques, there is a need for evaluation methods for automatic data
>>>> linking approaches.
>>>> Challenges
>>>> • Automating the process of finding links between Web datasets
>>>> • Scaling data linking algorithms
>>>> • Representation and interpretation of links
>>>> • Providing efficient user interfaces and interaction methods
>>>> • Modeling and reasoning on links trust and provenance information
>>>> Topics of Interest
>>>> The topics of interest for this special issue include but are not
>>>> limited to the following.
>>>> • data linking tools and frameworks
>>>> • techniques for automated data linking
>>>> • data similarity measures
>>>> • similarity spreading measures
>>>> • schema-based similarity measures
>>>> • candidate dataset selection and datasets similarity measures
>>>> • statistical analysis techniques
>>>> • semi-supervised, learning-based data linking methods
>>>> • optimization methods for computing similarity
>>>> • web data sampling techniques
>>>> • identity representation and semantics
>>>> • reasoning on links, link propagation
>>>> • user interaction for link elicitation and validation
>>>> • provenance and trust models on links
>>>> • methods for link quality assessment
>>>> • innovative applications using links
>>>> • evaluation of data linking techniques and tools
>>>> Important Dates
>>>> We will review papers on a rolling basis as they are submitted and
>>>> explicitly encourage submissions well before the final deadline.
>>>> • 1 June: submission deadline
>>>> • 1 September: initial decisions and notifications
>>>> • 1 October: major/minor revisions due
>>>> • 1 November: final minor revisions due
>>>> • 1 December: final decisions and notifications
>>>> • 1 January: preprints available publication in 2013
>>>> Instructions for submission
>>>> Please see the author guidelines for detailed instructions before you
>>>> submit. Submissions should be conducted through Elsevier’s Electronic
>>>> Submission System. More details on the Journal of Web Semantics can be
>>>> found on its homepage. See the JWS Guide for Authors for details on
>>>> the submission process.
>>>> Editors
>>>> • Alfio Ferrara (Università degli Studi di Milano)
>>>> • Andriy Nikolov (Open University)
>>>> • François Scharffe (LIRMM, Université de Montpellier 2)

Received on Monday, 23 April 2012 15:37:23 UTC