Re: Telcon Schedule.... logistics

Hi Helena,

I'm very appreciative of the reminders +1

I'd like the wiki to be reliable too. (I think may have I've over-compensated and missed too many meetings in the past - now I'm showing up when it scheduled and there's no call (although Matthias also dialed in.)


On Apr 19, 2012, at 11:59 AM, Helena Deus wrote:

> I agree with Joanne, the calendar can't entirely be trusted so the most distracted among us will need a reminder from the chairs as to when these hcls telcos happen :)
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Joanne Luciano <> wrote:
> Hi Michele, Scott,
> I dialed into the the telcon today, 2nd time this happened recently and it was only Matthias and me that were there. No reminder was sent, but we do have a regularly scheduled telcon, so I made sure to catch an early train so I could be back at my desk in time.   So, are we having regularly scheduled telcons or are we having telcons only when reminders are sent?  (Just so I can plan accordingly)
> I'm needing to schedule a meeting and need to know if there's going to be a call this coming Tuesday (April 24th).  The Wiki isn't clear re: Linked Life Data -- Is "Tuesday at 12pm EST"  every Tuesday (in which it would be goo to have the plural (or to be explicit) or is it once a month?
> Is Maximizing the utility.... -- the un-indentation and bullets are confusing -- I'd fix, but I don't know what's correct.
> Thanks!!!
> Joanne
> I'm also confused as to whether there is a meeting this coming tuesday.  I can't tell from the Wiki -- 
> Life Sciences 
> Maximizing the utility of linked life science data, ontologies and services. 
> 2nd Tuesday at 11am EST. Next call May 8, 2012.
> Linked Life Data: Best practices in creating, publishing, linking, querying and visualizing linked life data. Tuesday at 12pm EST.
> -- 
> Helena F. Deus
> Post-Doctoral Researcher at DERI/NUIG

Received on Thursday, 19 April 2012 16:06:21 UTC