Re: Fwd: [bioportal-announce] BioPortal 3.7 Released

Looks like you found it. For others interested, it can be found as a
New Account link on this page:


On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 10:10 PM, Kingsley Idehen
<> wrote:
> On 4/12/12 6:12 PM, M. Scott Marshall wrote:
>> Hi Kingsley,
>> Quick tip from Trish:
>> Using the example, add the API Key to this line:
>> NCBO started to require a (free on request) APIKey to use their
>> services some time ago (I think that the announcement was sent to this
>> list). It helps them track how their services are being used and, of
>> course, prevents Denial of Service attacks. Come to think of it, they
>> might be interested in considering how to use WebID instead.
>> Hope that helps,
>> Scott
> Okay!
> Found the API Key following account creation.
> Link: .
> Kingsley
>> On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 10:33 PM, Kingsley Idehen
>> <>  wrote:
>>> On 4/10/12 5:06 PM, M. Scott Marshall wrote:
>>>> Note that the BioPortal SPARQL endpoint has moved into beta. It has a
>>>> (web) user interface, documentation, and example queries:
>>>> Nice!
>>>> -Scott
>>> Do I need an API Key to access the SPARQL endpoint?
>>> Please try this SPARQL-FED from: .
>>> PREFIX meta:<>
>>>          {
>>>            SELECT DISTINCT ?vrtID ?graph
>>>            WHERE {
>>>                    ?vrtID meta:hasVersion ?version .
>>>                    ?version meta:hasDataGraph ?graph .
>>>                  }
>>>           LIMIT 5
>>>         }
>>>      }
>>> Actual SPARQL Protocol URL: .
>>> It returns: 403 FORBIDEN - Apikey not provided .
>>> Am I doing something wrong e.g., not actually talking to a SPARQL
>>> endpoint
>>> etc?
>>> Kingsley
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Ray Fergerson<>
>>>> Date: Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 10:01 PM
>>>> Subject: [bioportal-announce] BioPortal 3.7 Released
>>>> To:
>>>> We are pleased to announce the release of BioPortal 3.7. The major new
>>>> features in this release are:
>>>> ·         The term search web service and UI now supports some simple
>>>> Boolean logic. The format is backwards compatible with our previous
>>>> format so entering “heart attack” still results in terms which contain
>>>> both words (a logical AND). Negation is indicated with a minus sign
>>>> prefix (as in Google search). For example, searching on “heart attack
>>>> –fear –anxiety” returns terms containing both “heart” and “attack” but
>>>> not those that refer to a “fear of a heart attack” or “anxiety about a
>>>> heart attack”. A logical OR is achieved by enclosing words in
>>>> parenthesis. For example “(heart attack)” returns terms which contain
>>>> either “heart” or “attack”. *
>>>> ·         We have regenerated all lexical mappings (“LOOM mappings”)
>>>> between all terms in all ontologies. The mapping algorithm creates a
>>>> mapping between two terms if the names of the two terms are identical
>>>> except for case and spacing. LOOM mappings are created between terms
>>>> if there is a match between the preferred name of one term and the
>>>> preferred name or synonym of another term. *
>>>> ·         We now have a beta version of an RDF triple store up and
>>>> available for use. (The alpha version is no longer available.) This
>>>> service provides direct SPARQL access to the ontologies in BioPortal.
>>>> A demonstration user interface with SPARQL examples is available at
>>>> This triple store contains all
>>>> ontologies available in BioPortal (updated nightly). *
>>>> * This item was requested via the User Support mailing list and the
>>>> NCBO User Group. Thank you for your comments and suggestions!
>>>> Ray
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> bioportal-announce mailing list
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Kingsley Idehen
>>> Founder&    CEO
>>> OpenLink Software
>>> Company Web:
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>>> Twitter/ handle: @kidehen
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> --
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen
> Founder&  CEO
> OpenLink Software
> Company Web:
> Personal Weblog:
> Twitter/ handle: @kidehen
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Received on Friday, 13 April 2012 20:13:44 UTC