- From: RebholzSchuhmann <d.rebholz.schuhmann@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 08:08:51 +0100
- To: LeeH <leeharland@gmail.com>
- CC: Erick Antezana <erick.antezana@gmail.com>, "M. Scott Marshall" <mscottmarshall@gmail.com>, HCLS <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <4DDDFC83.7040100@gmail.com>
Hi, this looks pretty comprehensive. Below is the list of speakers: * *M. Scott Marshall* (The W3C consortium). Where is the W3C now and what should happen next? * *Phil Brooks* (Eli Lilly), Semantic Web for Health Care and Life Sciences <http://videolectures.net/iswc08_prudhommeaux_swhcls/> (Tutorial) * *Lee Harland *(Pfizer) Industry needs * *Derek Scuffell *(Syngenta) Opportunities and minimum requirements for industry * *Phil Ashworth *(UCB) Industrial Strength Architectures for life sciences, including considerations for federated search. * *Don Jennings* (Eli Lilly) Experience of TopBraid, Integrating semantic access to data within Lilly and building linked data maps * *Laurent Alquier* (J&J) Intranet data integration using Semantic MediaWiki * *Nicolas Le Novère* (EMBL-EBI), the Importance of Semantics to Systems Biology * *Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann* (EMBL-EBI) Practical experiences from the SESL (Semantic Enhancement of the Scientific Literature) project. * *Jerven Bolleman* (SIB) Quality control using sparql and UniProt rdf * *Jeremy Frey* (U. Southampton) Practical applications of semantic web technology in Chemistry. * *Dean Allemang* Examples of best practice from industry * *Michel Dumontier* (Carleton University) Bio2RDF * *Matthias Samwald,* (Medical University of Vienna), title TBC => 50 Attendees sounds right. => There has been some room for break-out sessions and the definition of business needs / challenges => The workshop serves as one source of input to define the EBI's stand on Semantic Web technology (past, present, future) => The IP workshop was followed by a two-day tutorial on Linked Data / Ontologies / Semantic resources (Slides will be available soon) Concerning Scott's email: there are a couple of resources (Triple Stores) under development at the EBI, which are or will be available as public resources and which distribute data of different kinds: * SPARQL endpoints (UniProt, SESL, possibly ChEMBL) * Triple Stores for download: *** UniProt *** SESL: Diabetes driven data integration, incl. ArrayExpress, UniProt, publisher data, in preparation *** CALBC: several 100k Medline abstracts with a large number of annotations, genes/proteins, diseases, chemical entities, species, all about immunology Stay tuned, -drs- On 25/05/2011 11:57, LeeH wrote: > I didnt see these questions get answered so... > - The workshop was organised by me (Lee Harland, Pfizer), Derek > Scuffle (Syngenta), Dominc Clark & Nicolas Le Novere. > - There were about 50 people there, mostly industry and some invited > speakers & some EBI > - For those who dont know it, the EBI industry programme is a > subscription-based group that provides a mechanism for life science > industry to work directly with the EBI on strategy and addressing > needs. The workshop was part of a large series of workshops we run on > many different topics relevant to industry (google ebi industry > programme for more info). The aim of this was to allow industry to > chat about its experience with SW in an informal setting, away from > the pressure of big conferences, and to explore areas of collaboration > with the EBI > - There were no biotech representatives there; the EBI also runs an > SME forum which provides a similar mechanism for EBI & biotech to get > together. I dont know much more than this, but if interested Dominic > Clark is your man. > - Access to the presentations. I was going to speak to dominic about > this next week. Generally presentations are stored in a secure > website, which allows presenters (especially from companies) to be > sure their materials are not generally distributed. However, i think > many presenters whould be OK with this, so we will see what we can do... > - Finally, is this related to the Pistoia alliance.... The direct > answer is no. The EBI industry programme is a completely separate > entity and this was purely based on that. However, a significant > number of folks who are active in Pistoia (such as me) have also > worked long term with the EBI. the EBI is also a member of Pistoia > too. So, i think the best thing to say is that "there are great > connections between the 2 groups". Also the EBI is the lead on the > Pistoia SESL project (semantic enrichement of the scientific > literature - more details are available to those interested), so there > are firm connections between ebi & pistoia in the semantic area > I think that answers all the questions I've seen.... Happy to talk to > anyone about thoughts/opportunities etc. Within Pistoia we're actively > discussing where the semantic web fits, to that end there's an > interesting meeting coming up > http://www.pistoiaalliance.org/2011-Events/6-june-2011-pistoia-alliance-technical-committee-open-teleconference-and-webinar.html > Lee > > On 25 May 2011 09:17, Erick Antezana <erick.antezana@gmail.com > <mailto:erick.antezana@gmail.com>> wrote: > > are the presentations/program somewhere available? > > was there any representative of a biotech company attending such > workshop? > > is it somehow related to the Pistoia Alliance? > > cheers, > Erick > > On 25 May 2011 00:56, M. Scott Marshall <mscottmarshall@gmail.com > <mailto:mscottmarshall@gmail.com>> wrote: > > Last week, Michel Dumontier, Matthias Samwald and I were invited to > > speak at the EBI Semantic Web Industry Workshop. We each gave some > > HCLS perspectives and heard many other very interesting talks from > > industry representatives. Phil Brooks (Johnson & Johnson) gave an > > excellent tutorial. TopBraid Composer was widely touted. A few > > encouraging news items: Nicolas Le Novere told us that MIRIAM > > identifiers will go to URIs (from URNs) and Jerven Bolleman told us > > that Uniprot is getting a SPARQL endpoint for their RDF. There was a > > strong pharma presence at the workshop. > > > > Also, on the LODD front: > > > > * Oktie Hassanzadeh has created a linkedct (linked version of > > clinicaltrials.gov <http://clinicaltrials.gov/>) that is updated > nightly > > * Anja Jentzsch is working on an update of several Berlin-hosted > LODD data sets > > * Egon Willighagen is updating the downloadable RDF version of > ChEMBL > > to version 9 > > > > Cheers, > > Scott > > > > -- > > M. Scott Marshall, W3C HCLS IG co-chair, http://www.w3.org/blog/hcls > > http://staff.science.uva.nl/~marshall > <http://staff.science.uva.nl/%7Emarshall> > > > > > > > -- Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann, MD, PhD - Research Group Leader EBI, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton CB10 1SD (UK) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TM support:www.ebi.ac.uk/Rebholz-svr | tm-support@ebi.ac.uk
Received on Thursday, 26 May 2011 07:09:35 UTC