Fwd: [LODD] LODD Hack Session Notes - Is It Open request signatories needed

Meant to keep this thread on the list. See below.   -Scott

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "M. Scott Marshall" <mscottmarshall@gmail.com>
Date: Mar 8, 2011 11:59 PM
Subject: [LODD] LODD Hack Session Notes - Is It Open request signatories
To: "Egon Willighagen" <egon.willighagen@gmail.com>

Hi Egon,

Thanks for working with the OKFN to clarify LODD data set policies. I
think that transparency about definitions and licenses is important to
open data. I couldn't join the discussion because I was on the way to
give a talk at http://www.b2pm.org/B2PM_Conference/Agenda.html.

Would you please point us to the OKFN definition of "open" that was
used for the datasets? Is OKFN describing itself as a standards body?
You refer to LODD "definitions" and OKFN "standards".

I don't understand the Diseasome reference - what precisely does
Diseasome have to do with OMIM and how does that make it not open? As
I recall, Barabasi et al. specifically gave LODD (and Susie)
permission to create and publish the RDF version of it. It might very
well be officially limited to us (LODD) for RDF publishing.

Correction (sorry, I think that we need to be precise here): LODD is
not a working group but a task force. By the same token, HCLS IG is an
interest group, not a working group, and does not define standards for
W3C. However, in LODD, we are planning to follow W3C WG procedures for
a best practices W3C note that recommends certain practices for
publishing RDF as linked data.

While editing our (HCLS) "Emerging Best Practices" article, I found no
evidence of an "CCZero" license from Creative Commons itself and
replaced the term with "CC0" in the text. It seems to me that "CCZero"
is an improper reference, at least if you consider Creative Commons as
the authority (which I do). Or have I somehow gotten this wrong? Once
we've got URIs, potentially from a License Ontology, we won't want
URIs for "http://../CCZero" in addition to the "http://../CC0" URIs.

Thanks again to you and others (several from HCLS IG) for your efforts
in clarifying licensing and related issues about the LODD data sets!


M. Scott Marshall, W3C HCLS IG co-chair, http://www.w3.org/blog/hcls

On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 3:42 PM, Egon Willighagen
<egon.willighagen@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi LODD wg m...

Received on Wednesday, 9 March 2011 21:55:22 UTC