Adverse event representation - ICBO workshop - 1st CFP

Call for papers: Learning from our mistakes: adverse event  

Event website:

Follow us: #aeicbo

Workshop of the International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO  

July 26th 2011, Buffalo, USA

**** Scope ****

Reports of adverse events that occur during clinical trials and/or  
induced by medical interventions help to identify issues with the  
safety and efficacy of medical treatment, better educate health  
practitioners and the general public, and ultimately allow us to learn  
from our mistakes to increase patient safety. In order to enable more  
effective sharing of such reports, this workshop will address the  
question of what the ontological basis for adverse events is.

**** Topics ****

Papers about all aspects of adverse events are welcome at the  
workshop; including, but not
limited to the following topics:

- Adverse events representation systems
- Current standards
- Drugs and devices safety
- Practitioners experiences
- Causality assessment

**** Call for Papers ****

- Full length papers
Full length papers (maximum 2500 words not including abstract or  

- Short papers, up to 4 pages

- Statement of Interest
A statement of interest (maximum 2 pages) can be about ideas,  
solutions, methods, products, research projects or implementation  
experience pertaining to adverse events representation.

The submission process for the workshop follows ICBO conference  
guidelines which can be found at  
All submissions should be PDF files formatted according to LNCS, and  
submitted to our Easychair installation at 
, in the Adverse Events Representation track. The workshop's papers  
will be published with the conference proceedings.

**** Important dates ****

April 1: Deadline for submission of workshop papers
April 30: Notification of acceptance of workshop papers
June 10: Deadline for submission of camera-ready copy
July 26: Adverse event workshop

**** Organizing Committee ****

Mélanie Courtot, British Columbia Cancer Research Centre
Albert Goldfain, Blue Highway, LLC
Yongqun “Oliver” He, University of Michigan Medical School
Alan Ruttenberg, University at Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine

**** Program Committee ****

To be announced

For more information, consult our website at 
  and/or contact the organizing committee at

Mélanie Courtot
675 West 10th Avenue
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1L3, Canada

Received on Tuesday, 8 March 2011 21:22:24 UTC