XR-Jam Project

Dear SemWeb-LS list members,

I want to announce a new project that I am organising together with Ian 
Horrocks <http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/ian.horrocks/> (Oxford University) 
and Robert Hoehndorf <http://leechuck.de/> (Cambridge University) at the 
EBI. I am looking for scientists and Post-Docs who would like to 
participate / contribute to this project.

Xtreme Reasoning Jamboree (XR-Jam) 
Validation of assertions in different biomedical data resources

This project will be set up as a small-scale jamboree involving 
scientists, preferrably PostDocs from different scientific disciplines. 
The location of the jamboree is the EBI, the primary objective is the 
exploration of different solutions for the validation of biomedical 
knowledge. One secondary objective is to establish interoperability 
between biomedical data resources that has not been achieved in the past 
using ontological resources. In the next steps, different information 
retrieval, data mining and reasoning techniques are applied to validate 
information that is available.

The project leaves room for interdisciplinary research work and training.

If this project raises your interest, please send me an email stating:
* your own expertise
* the nature of your interest in this project
* your main contribution to the project
* any requirements, constraints that would be relevant

With an optimistic time plan in my mind, the project could be up and 
running by end of March.

Best wishes,
Dietrich, Ian and Robert.

Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann, MD, PhD - Research Group Leader
EBI, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton CB10 1SD (UK)
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TM support:www.ebi.ac.uk/Rebholz-svr | tm-support@ebi.ac.uk

Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2011 21:54:30 UTC