HCLS tutorial at C-SHALS

There will be an HCLS tutorial (I think maybe 100 minutes?) at C-SHALS
this year. (The abstract is at the bottom of this message.) I've just
made a pass at composing the slides. (The abstract is repeated on the
slides to remind you what I promised what we'd talk about.)


I believe the tutorial needs more hands-on stuff; I'm soliciting
feedback and ideas.

The abstract is promised:

The W3C's Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group (HCLS IG) has been working since 2005 with multiple communities and Semantic Web technologies towards goals such as immediate availability of scientific publications; improved synthesis between scientific findings; better patient recruitment for drug trials; and early redirection of non-promising clinical trials.

Today, there is a new convergence of communities in health care and life sciences. Pharmaceutical companies, clinical care providers and individual patients have intersecting interests in Translational Medicine. Pharmaceutical companies have a new interest in more detailed patient records rather than aggregate data because of the shift towards tailored therapeutics.

Consumers advocating for personally controlled health care records are a new audience interested in health care data. Clinicians, pharmaceutical companies and individuals will benefit from health care data which is easy to integrate with genomics, bio informatics, chem informatics and environmental data.

In this tutorial session, we will show you how W3C's HCLS IG is integrating data across these domains. We will demonstrate the use of commodity Semantic Web tools to ask valuable questions of a corpus of health care data, and show how this corpus draws on such systems as the Indivo EHR system, the I2B2 clinical information exchange protocols, and databases backing conventional clinical data stores.

Attendees will learn to use and customize these open source tools to meet their clinical or research needs.

— http://www.iscb.org/cshals2011-program/cshals2011-tutorial

Received on Friday, 18 February 2011 04:35:04 UTC