Re: beefing up PharmaOntology Queries #Q6

Hi Eric,

I'm not an expert, but this seems a bit hard to answer. Bapineuzumb does not 
seem to bind or directly regulate Apolipoprotein and its variants. The APOE4 
allele is merely a biomarker which can be used to stratify the patient 
population into likely responders and non-responders. Looking at the HCLS 
KB, TMKB and, the (almost) only information that 
can be found about Bapineuzumab are clinical trials from LinkedCT. does not have much either, unfortunately.

 - Matthias

From: "Eric Prud'hommeaux" <>
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 10:37 PM
To: <>
Cc: "Helena Deus" <>
Subject: beefing up PharmaOntology Queries #Q6

> Query six¹ matches patients without the APOE4 allel, putatively to
> match the inclusion criterial for a clinical trial involving
> Bapineuzumab. Do we have any drug data which links Bapineuzumab to
> APOE4, so that we query for *any* protein regulated by Beelzebub,
> rather than specifically APOE4?
> ¹ 
> -- 
> -ericP

Received on Tuesday, 15 February 2011 06:10:21 UTC