CFP: Invitation to participate in the 2012 AMIA TBI and CRI Summits

Forwarding this message on behalf of the Summit Chairs--

AMIA, the association for informatics professionals, invites your submission
to the 2012 Joint Summits, March 19-23, 2012, in San Francisco. The
Translational Bioinformatics (TBI) Summit opens the AMIA Joint Summits on
Translational Science and will be followed by the Summit on Clinical
Research Informatics (CRI) from March 21– 23, 2012, at the same venue.

For TBI, we look forward to submissions that include innovative data–centric
approaches that compute on large amounts of data to discover patterns and to
make clinically relevant predictions that are the forte of Translational
Bioinformatics. The changes in public policy, the availability of large
datasets from multiple molecular level measurements, and increasing
electronic heath record (EHR) adoption, coupled with recent advances in
natural language processing, access to vast computing infrastructure,
sophisticated ontologies, data-mining and machine learning tools that have
all converged to enable Big Data mining in Translational Bioinformatics.
 This year, four tracks will cover research that takes the field from base
pairs to bedside, with an emphasis on clinical implications of mining
massive data-sets, and on bridging the latest multimodal measurement
technologies with large amounts of healthcare data.

   - Concepts, Tools and Techniques for Translational Bioinformatics
   - Integrative Analysis of multi modal measurements
   - Base pairs to Bedside
   - Informatics with Big Data

Track details at:

For CRI, we look forward to submissions that showcase leading-edge
innovative methods and technologies that focus on accelerating all phases of
translational science – including study of conceptual design and simulation,
patient identification and recruitment, data collection, integration and
visualization, and data analysis, dissemination and knowledge transfer. We
highlight four specific areas for special emphasis. But we invite
submissions from across the CRI community to present the broad range of
activities that are addressing translational research informatics needs.

   - Research and Resource Discovery, Collaboration and Sharing
   - Bedside to Base Pairs -- From Clinical Observations to Genetic
   - Clinical Care and Clinical Research Work Flow Integration
   - Emerging Informatics Platforms for Integrated Translational Research

Track details at:

Key dates:
Paper Proposals: due August 19, 2011
Panels, Posters, Podium Abstract Proposals: due October 21, 2011

Details on submission types:

We look forward to your submissions and hope that you will join us in San
Francisco in March of 2012.

Nigam H. Shah, Stanford University
Chair, 2012 Scientific Program Committee
TBI Summit

Michael Kahn, University of Colorado
Chair, 2012 Scientific Program Committee
CRI Summit

Trish Whetzel, PhD
Outreach Coordinator
The National Center for Biomedical Ontology
Ph: 650-721-2378!/bioontology

Received on Friday, 12 August 2011 04:46:49 UTC