NCBO Webinar: Rai Winslow, April 20

The next NCBO Webinar will be presented by Dr. Rai Winslow from The Johns
Hopkins University on "The ECGrid Toolkit and the use of data annotation in
studies of cardiac hypertrophy and sub-clinical detection of heart disease"
at 10:00am PT, Wednesday, April 20. Below is information on how to join the
online meeting via WebEx and accompanying teleconference. For the full
schedule of the NCBO Webinar presentations see:

This talk displays scientific applications of the ECGrid Toolkit and ECG
ontology developed by the CVRG NCBO Driving Biomedical Project.  Working
with two topics of focus (cardiac hypertrophy and sub-clinical detection of
heart disease), researchers upload ECGs using the Toolkit and annotate them
with ontology terms. These annotations allow for correlations of patterns in
the ECG waveforms with ECG statistical analyses. Combined these correlations
allow for further interpretation of study demographic and imaging data.  In
turn, these studies have contributed more computational terms to the ECG
ontology. With these new terms, along with the addition of the NovaCode
classification system, we plan for expanded use of NCBO tools (e.g.,
OntologyTree Widget, NCBO Annotator, etc.) to improve upon the ECG ontology
and make more ECG data semantically interoperable.

Dr. Winslow is the Raj and Neera Singh Professor of Biomedical Engineering,
and Director of the Institute for Computational Medicine. His research is
focused on the use of computational modeling to understand the molecular
mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death. He is Principal
Investigator of the CardioVascular Research Grid Project, an NHLBI-funded
resource, with research teams at four universities, aimed at creating a
national infrastructure for sharing and analysis of cardiovascular data.

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Received on Friday, 15 April 2011 18:55:14 UTC