NETTAB 2010 Biological Wikis: Last Call for participation

Apologizes for duplications

Joint NETTAB 2010 and BBCC 2010 workshops focused on Biological Wikis
November 29 - December 1, 2010, Naples, Italy


The joint NETTAB and BBCC 2010 workshop on 
"Biological Wikis" promises to be a great meeting 
for all researchers involved in the exploitation of wikis in biology.

Come and discuss your ideas and doubts with such 
scientists as Alex Bateman, Alexander Pico, 
Andrew Su, Dan Bolser, Robert Hoffmann, Thomas 
Kelder, Mike Cariaso, Adam Godzik, Luca Toldo, 
Wyeth Wasserman, Daniel Renfro and other who, we hope, will join the workshop.

It's a great chance to follow smart tutorials and 
lectures on WikiPathways, WikiGenes, PDBWiki, 
Gene Wiki, TOPSAN, and a proficient use of 
Wikipedia and Semantic Wiki. See below a list of 
keynote speakers and tutorials. And of course enjoy Italian lifestyle....

Registration is open at .
A reduction of 20 euro applies to all fees for members of ISCB and BITS.


In the style of previous editions, NETTAB 2010 
will include: keynote lectures given by leading 
experts in the field, oral communications from 
selected contributions, open discussion, selected 
software demonstrations and posters, as well as tutorials.

Provisional programme ( see )

Monday, November 29, 2010 (Tutorial day, open to all interested participants)

The following four tutorials will be given starting at 11.30.

Mining biological pathways using WikiPathways web services and more...
Thomas Kelder, Department of Bioinformatics 
(BiGCaT), Maastricht University, the Netherlands

How to create your own collaborative publishing project with WikiGenes
Robert Hoffmann, Computational Biology Center, 
cBIO, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, MSKCC, New York, USA

Everything you wanted to know about Wikipedia but were too afraid to ask
Alex Bateman, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, 
Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Andrew Su, Bioinformatics and Computational 
Biology, Genomics Institute of the Novartis 
Research Foundation (GNF), San Diego, USA

Semantic MediaWiki: a community database and more.
Dan Bolser, College of Life Sciences, University 
of Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom

Tuesday, November 30, 2010 (NETTAB workshop day)

A rich scientific programme is foreseen, starting 
at 9.00. The following five invited talk will be given:

The Pros and Cons of Wikipedia for Scientists
Alex Bateman, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, 
Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Collaborative publishing with authorship tracking 
and reputation system - WikiGenes
Robert Hoffmann, Computational Biology Center, 
cBIO, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, MSKCC, New York, USA

WikiPathways, community-based curation for biological pathways
Alexander Pico, Gladstone Institute of 
Cardiovascular Disease, San Francisco, USA

The Gene Wiki: Achieving critical mass and mining for novel annotations
Andrew Su, Bioinformatics and Computational 
Biology, Genomics Institute of the Novartis 
Research Foundation (GNF), San Diego, USA

PDBWiki : Success or failure?
Dan Bolser, College of Life Sciences, University 
of Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom

Many Oral communications and software 
demonstrations will be presented, including:

Mike Cariaso, Keygene, The Netherlands

TOPSAN: a collaborative annotation environment 
for structural genomics and beyond
Adam Godzik, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA

SBML2SMW: bridging System Biology with semantic 
web tech-nologies for biomedical knowledge 
acquisition and hypothesis elicitation
Tobias Mathäß, Peter Haase, Hiroaki Kitano and Luca Toldo

Towards A General-Purpose Database Wiki for Biological Database Curation
Heiko Mueller, Sam Lindley, Joanna Sharman, Tony 
Harmar, James Cheney and Peter Buneman

Demonstration of a citation-enabled workflow 
using the ConceptWiki triple based approach
Christine Chichester, Hailiang Mei, Kees Burger and Barend Mons

Extending Mediawiki for community annotation
Daniel Renfro, Deborah A. Siegele and James C. Hu

The wiki-based Transcription Factor Encyclopedia 
and a model for robust community participation
Wyeth Wasserman and Dimas Yusuf

A panel discussion with all speakers on the 
Future of Biological Wikis will close the day. A 
poster session is also planned.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010 (BBCC workshop day)

This section will include both oral 
communications on various bioinformatics topics 
and the announcemente of next NETTAB workshop.
This will be introduced by a lecture on "Clinical 
bioinformatics: a research agenda to support 
health care transformation" given by
Riccardo Bellazzi, University of Pavia, Italy

BBCC Oral communications

Repository for statistical analysis of mass spectrometry data
Federica Viti, Ivan Merelli, et al

Mathematical Models for Feature Selection and 
their Application to Bioinformatics
Paola Festa, Paola Bertolazzi and Giovanni Felici

Toward an Improved Combinatoric Biclustering Algorithm
Ekaterina Nosova, Roberto Tagliaferri and Rino Miele

Massive-scale RNA-Seq analysis of non ribosomal 
transcriptome in human trisomy 21
Valerio Costa, Claudia Angelini, et al

Eliciting Fuzzy Knowledge from the PIMA Dataset
Antonio d'Acierno, Giuseppe De Pietro and Massimo Esposito

Genome duplication and gene annotation: an 
example for a reference plant species
Alessandra Vigilante, Mara Sangiovanni, et al

For previous editions of the BBCC workshop, 
please visit .

For any further information or clarification:
Web site:
Email: info @ nettab . org

Many thanks.

Paolo Romano

Paolo Romano (
National Cancer Research Institute (IST)
Largo Rosanna Benzi, 10, I-16132, Genova, Italy
Tel: +39-010-5737-288  Fax: +39-010-5737-295  Skype: p.romano

Nettab-Announce mailing list

Paolo Romano (
National Cancer Research Institute (IST)

Received on Friday, 12 November 2010 15:55:29 UTC