CFP: BNCOD 2011: 28th British National Conference on Databases

[apologies for cross-posting]

       28th British National Conference on Databases - BNCOD 2011
		      Manchester, United Kingdom
			   12-14 July 2011
			First Call for Papers

*** The theme of the conference this year is*LINKED DATA*          ***
*** Confirmed keynote speakers:                                   ***
****Christian Bizer*, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany  ***
****Karl Aberer*, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland                     ***


General Information

The British  National Conference on Databases  (BNCOD) was established
in 1980 as a forum for  discussing original research in the theory and
practice of  database systems. Since then, BNCOD  has always attracted
an international  audience to discuss  the leading research  topics of
the day  in the field  of data, information and  knowledge management.

The 28th British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD 2011) will be
held at the  University of Manchester from 12th to  14th of July 2011.

Scope and Main Theme

BNCOD is a broad conference  and showcases the latest research results
in all areas  of data, information and knowledge  management. For some
years, every edition of BNCOD  has centred around a main theme, acting
as a focal point for keynote addresses, tutorials, demos, etc.

The  theme   of  BNCOD  2011   will  be  "Linked  Data".   The  phrase
characterises, according to some, a sub-topic in the broader vision of
a Semantic Web and is generally understood as "a set of best practices
for publishing and  connecting structured data on the  Web. These best
practices have been adopted by  an increasing number of data providers
over the  last three years, leading  to the creation of  a global data
space containing billions of assertions - the Web of Data." [1]

This surge in  the availability and variety of  linked data (as shown,
e.g., by  the growing  Linked Open Data  Cloud [2] has  stimulated the
development  of groundbreaking research,  tools [3]  (e.g., publishing
frameworks, browsers and search engines) and applications [4].

On the  research front, and  from a BNCOD  perspective, a Web  of Data
raises challenges  at all  levels, from the  underlying data  model to
novel  query   languages  to  global-scale   semantic  integration  to
massively distributed query  execution over heterogenous environments.

The UK  has been contributing to  this surge at the  highest levels by
making government data  (as well as tools) widely  available [5]. Many
UK organisations are  leaders in the linked data  movement. BNCOD 2011
hopes to provide a window into these exciting initiatives.

[1] Christian Bizer, Tom Heath, Tim Berners-Lee: Linked Data - The
     Story So Far. Int. J. Semantic Web Inf. Syst. 5(3): 1-22 (2009)

Conference Format

Particular features of BNCOD 2011 include:

	   - Two keynote talks by world-leading researchers

	   - Tutorials on the latest research and development in data,
              information and knowledge management

	   - Demonstrations of research prototypes

	   - A half-day PhD Forum aimed at fostering the development
              of future researchers

Call for Papers

BNCOD  2011 seeks  research papers,  proposals for  tutorials  and for
demonstrations of research and commercial systems, for presentation at
the  conference and  subsequent publication.

Full  papers (12  pages), short  papers  (8 pages),  poster papers  (4
pages), demo proposals (2  pages), tutorial proposals (2-page extended
abstract) may be submitted.

As in previous years, papers will be published by Springer as a volume
in the  Lecture Notes  in Computer Science  (LNCS) series.  BNCOD 2011
will  adopt  a   post-conference  proceedings  approach  allowing  for
revision in the  light of feedback from the  referees. Accepted papers
will only be published if they are presented in person by a registered
author in the conference sessions.

All submissions should be in  PDF, formatted according to the Springer
guidelines for the LNCS series. These can be found at

The submission site is open at

Proposals by  PhD students for presenting  at the PhD  Forum should be
up to 4 pages long.

Topics of Interest

Any topic related to data,  information and knowledge management is of
interest to  BNCOD 2011, and  in particular (but not  exclusively) the

* Applications of Databases in Science and Industry
* Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation
* Complex Event Processing
* Data Curation, Annotation and Provenance
* Data Management in Computing Clouds
* Data Management for Mobile, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing
* Data Models and Query Languages
* Data Streams and Publish-Subscribe Systems
* Data Structures and Indexing
* Data Management in e-Sciences
* Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
* Dataspaces and Data Integration
* Data Warehousing, OLAP, and ETL Tools
* DBMS Design and Tuning
* DBMS on Emerging Hardware Architectures
* Digital Libraries, Museums, and Archives
* Middleware and Workflow Management
* Multimedia Databases
* Ontology-Based Data Access and Management
* Parallel, Distributed, P2P and Grid Data Management
* Personalization and Personal Information Systems
* Privacy and Security in Trustworthy Databases
* Query Processing and Optimization
* Replication, Caching, and Materialized Views
* Scientific and Statistical Databases
* Semantic Web and Knowledge Databases
* Sensor Data Management and In-Network Query Processing
* Spatial, Temporal, and Geographic Databases
* Text Databases and Information Retrieval
* User Interfaces and Data Visualization
* Web Information and Services
* Web of Data, Linked Data, Linked Open Data
* XML and Semistructured Databases

Conference Organizers

	Programme Chair
	Alvaro A A Fernandes  (University of Manchester)

	Local Organisers
	Alasdair J G Gray (University of Manchester)
	Khalid Belhajjame (University of Manchester)

Programme Committee

Alan Sexton		University of Birmingham
Alex Gray		Cardiff University
Alex Poulovassilis	Birkbeck College, University of London
Anastasios Gounaris	Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Anne James		Coventry University
Barry Eaglestone	University of Sheffield
David Bell		Queen's University Belfast
David Nelson		University of Sunderland
Georg Gottlob		University of Oxford
Giovanna Guerrini	University of Genova, Italy
Graham Kemp		Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Ixent Galpin		University of Manchester
Jessie Kennedy		Edinburgh Napier University
Jianhua Shao		Cardiff University
John Wilson		University of Strathclyde
Jun Hong		Queen's University Belfast
Keith Jeffery		JISC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Ken Moody		University of Cambridge
Lachlan MacKinnon	University of Greenwich
Leonidas Fegaras	University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Marco Mesiti		University of Genova, Italy
Mark Roantree		Dublin City University, Ireland
Marta Mattoso		Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Mary Garvey		University of Wolverhampton
Nigel Martin		Birkbeck College, University of London
Norman Paton		University of Manchester
Peter McBrien		Imperial College, London
Richard Cooper		University of Glasgow
Sandra Sampaio		University of Manchester
Sharma Chakravarthy	University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Stratis Viglas		University of Edinburgh
Suzanne Embury		University of Manchester
Werner Nutt		Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

Important Dates

31 Jan 2011 Abstract Submission Deadline
  7 Feb 2011 Papers Submission Deadline
  7 Feb 2011 Demo Proposal Submission Deadline
  7 Feb 2011 Tutorial Proposal Submission Deadline
  4 Apr 2011 Notification of Acceptance for Papers, Demos and Tutorials
  4 Apr 2011 PhD Forum Submission Deadline
18 Apr 2011 PhD Forum Acceptance
  2 May 2011 Camera-Ready Version of Accepted Contributions
  2 May 2011 Author, Demo, Tutorial and PhD Registration
  6 Jun 2011 Early Bird Registration
11 Jul 2011 (Workshop Day)
12 Jul 2011 Conference Starts

Received on Thursday, 4 November 2010 13:21:49 UTC