Fwd: Call for Workshop Proposals - 2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine

Something to consider....

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Xin Chen <Xin.Chen@ISCHOOL.DREXEL.EDU>
> Date: May 13, 2010 9:13:31 PM EDT
> Subject: Call for Workshop Proposals - 2010 IEEE International  
> Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine
> Reply-To: Xin Chen <Xin.Chen@ISCHOOL.DREXEL.EDU>
> Call for Workshop Proposals
> 2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine
> http://www.math.hkbu.edu.hk/BIBM2010/index.html
> 18-21 December 2010, Hong Kong, China
> =================================================================
> The Program Committees of 2010 IEEE International Conference on  
> Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM 2010) invite proposals for  
> Workshops.  The Workshops will be held within the Conference, 18-21  
> Dec 2010, Hong Kong, China.
> The workshop organizers will be responsible for advertising the  
> workshop, forming the program committees, reviewing and selecting  
> the papers, and guaranteeing a high quality worthy of the prestige  
> and range of the Conference.  All papers accepted for workshops will  
> be included in the Workshop Proceedings published by the IEEE  
> Computer Society Press and will be available at the workshops.
> The workshop organizers will also have the discretion of editing  
> selected papers (after their expansion and revision) into books or  
> special journal issues.  Workshops should cover at least a single  
> session (6 regular papers). The workshop organizers should ensure  
> registration and presence of   authors of accepted papers.
> Workshop Topics
> Each workshop subject will focus on new research challenges and  
> initiatives in Bioinformatics and Biomedicine.  The workshops should  
> provide an informal and vibrant forum for researchers and industry  
> practitioners to share their research results and practical  
> development experiences in these two fields.  Workshop topics may be  
> narrow, e.g., “reverse-engineering” of  gene regulatory networks  
> from experimental data, computational approaches to drug discovery,  
> mathematical modeling of signaling pathways, analysis of the next- 
> generation sequencing data, oscillations and synchronization of  
> biological rhythms; or wide, e.g., computational proteomics, in- 
> silico diagnosis and prognosis, data mining and machine learning  
> algorithms for biomedical applications, application of network  
> research to biology etc.  Prospective workshop organizers are  
> encouraged to contact workshop chairs.
> Important Dates
>  July 5 , 2010: Workshop proposal submission due:
>              a proposed workshop announcement is  sent by e-mail to  
> any of the  Workshop Chairs
> July 10, 2010: Notification to workshop proposers
> July 20, 2010: Each workshop organizer sends out Call for Workshops  
> Papers
> Guidelines for Workshop Proposals
> Proposals for 2010 IEEE BIBM Workshops should contain the following  
> components.
> 1. Workshop Title (e.g., mathematical modeling of signaling pathways)
> 2. Introduction to workshop (a few sentences about the background,  
> importance, purpose, interests, etc. of workshop)
> 3. Research topics included in the workshop (list a number of  
> interesting topics or areas covered by workshop)
> 4. Important dates (Please do not change this part)
> October 5, 2010: Due date for full workshop papers submission (at  
> least two reviews for each paper)
> October 25, 2010: Notification of paper acceptance to authors
> November 7, 2010: Camera-ready of accepted papers
> December 18-21, 2010: Workshops
> 5. Program Chairs or co-chairs: (1-3 experts in the research areas  
> of workshop)
> 6. Program Committee Members: (at least 5 experts in the research  
> areas)
> 7. Invited keynote speakers (optional)
> We look forward to your supports in making 2010 BIBM workshops an  
> exciting event.
> Workshop Chairs:
> Fangxiang Wu (University of Saskatchewan) (faw341@mail.usask.ca)
> Diego di Bernardo (University of Naples "Federico II") (dibernardo@tigem.it 
> )
> Ting Fung Chan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) (tf.chan@cuhk.edu.hk 
> )
> To unsubscribe from a list, the user sends an email to listserv@lists.drexel.edu 
>  with the message:
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Received on Friday, 14 May 2010 11:03:36 UTC