I noticed a paper related to rhetorical structures [1] in the ASIST program [2]; hopefully proceedings will come out in late October.
They define a "functional unit" as rhetorical structures within the intro, methods, results, and discussions sections, and ask how these structures are used to complete various tasks. They present a taxonomy intended for use in an e-journal reading system "to support effective and efficient information use".
Abstract below. I don't know any of the authors, and haven't found a preprint with casual searching, but I'd be curious to read a copy if anybody feels like inquiring.
[1] http://www.asis.org/asist2010/abstracts/215.html
[2] http://www.asis.org/asist2010/schedule-overview.html
A Taxonomy of Functional Units for Information Use of Scholarly Journal Articles
Lei Zhang, Rick Kopak, Luanne Freund and Edie Rasmussen
(Submission #215)
Today's readers of scholarly literature want to read more in less time. With this in mind, this study applies the idea of the functional unit to the use of digital documents. A functional unit is the smallest information unit with a distinct function within the Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion components of scholarly journal articles. Through a review and analysis of the literature and validation through user surveys, this study examines how functional units are related to different tasks requiring use of information in journal articles, and how functional units are related to each other for a particular information use task. The findings, presented in the form of a taxonomy, suggest a close relationship between functional units and information use tasks, and furthermore among a set of functional units for a particular information use task. This taxonomy can be used to the design of an electronic journal reading system to support effective and efficient information use.
Program Track: Track 4 - Information and Knowledge Management
Submission Type: Research Paper