Call for Tutorials - Fourth Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2009)


Call for Tutorials

Fourth Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2009)

6-9 December, 2009

Shanghai, China

The 4th Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2009) will present the
latest research and development of the Semantic Web and

its related technologies. It will bring together researchers in
relevant disciplines such as artificial intelligence,

knowledge modeling, logic, databases, social networks, Web services,
distributed computing, Web engineering, information

systems, natural language processing, multimedia, and human-computer

In addition to the regular research track, ASWC 2009 invites tutorials
on relevant topics of interest. A tutorial should

present the state of the art of a Semantic Web area and address the
interests of a broad audience that includes (but not

limited to) Semantic Web beginners, representatives of funding
agencies, practitioners form the industrial community, and

Semantic Web researchers. It may provide an introduction to
technologies in Semantic Web or highly relevant areas (e.g.,

Artificial Intelligence, Database and Information Retrieval), the
application of Semantic Web in a specific domain, or other

current issues and trends in appropriate depth.


Tutorial proposals should not exceed 5 pages in LNCS format and
contain the following information
* Type: full day or half day.
* Abstract: 200 words maximum, which will be published at the ASWC website.
* Justification: Relevance to the conference and relations to similar
tutorials presented at other events.
* Description: goals, targeted audience with prerequisite knowledge,
presentation method, software will be used, and hands-on

session planning (if there will be one; such a session is encouraged).
* Outline and schedule
* Equipment requirements
* Information of the presenters: names, affiliation, contact,
homepage, expertise and teaching experiences.

The proposal should be submitted as a pdf file using the ASWC 2009
submission system on easychair (Please select the Tutorial


Submitted proposals will be reviewed by the ASWC 2009 organizing
committee based on its relevance to the conference, content

and presentation method, and presenters’ expertise.

==Tutorial Organizer's Responsibilities==

For accepted tutorials, the organizers should
* Maintain a website that describes the tutorial, and provides
relevant resources, e.g., slides, software and additional

references. The website URL should be ready to review by the ASWC
Tutorial Chair by 5th Nov 2009.
* At the conference, handle the distribution of tutorial materials,
except for the hard copies of the tutorial handouts which

will be printed by ASWC. If software is required for participants for
hands-on sessions, please make sure to have accessible

media (e.g., CDs or USB sticks) for participants to install.

==Important Dates==

* 10 Sept 2009: Proposal submission due
* 17 Sept 2009: Notification of proposal acceptance
* 5 Nov 2009: Website URL and tutorial handouts, PDF preferred) to
tutorial chair

==Tutorial Chair==

Jie Bao - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, baojie AT

Received on Wednesday, 9 September 2009 16:49:20 UTC