Re: Linking Open Drug Data wins First Prize of Triplification Challenge

Hi Anja!

On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 12:05 AM, Anja Jentzsch<> wrote:
> the Linking Open Drug Data Task Force just won the first prize of the
> Linking Open Data Triplification Challenge [1] which took place at the
> I-Semantics in Graz. The paper we submitted can be found online [2] as well
> as the talk [3].

First of all, congrats with the win!

> Thanks to the LODD group for all the hard work and commitment to the
> project. It is a pleasure working with you!

I have a question about the title of the email... it is now entering
the social web as title too, and was wondering about the Open Data
nature of the data... the wiki page [5] does not provide any license
information or copyright statement, or any other claim about the users
rights to modify (extend, fix typos, ...) and redistribute, two rather
important aspects of Open Data [5]. In particular, I was not aware
that the DrugBank data actually was Open.

That said, I am not entirely sure how the LODD name of the task force
came about and whether it actually attempts to identify itself with
Open Data, or merely downloadable data.

Can you please elaborate on these issues?



Post-doc @ Uppsala University

Received on Monday, 7 September 2009 11:52:41 UTC