- From: Matthias Samwald <samwald@gmx.at>
- Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 11:12:37 +0200
- To: "public-semweb-lifesci" <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
- Cc: "Holger Stenzhorn" <holger.stenzhorn@deri.org>
The conversion of SIDER to aTags is now available, see http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/aTags/datasets A small excerpt of the aTags: http://hcls.deri.org/atag/data/SIDER_atags_excerpt.html The aTags re-use URIs from DBpedia, OBO disease ontology and OBO symptom ontology. Most statements link a DBpedia URI (a drug) to an OBO URI (a disease/symptom). As a simple example, the following query shows statements in SIDER that deal with some kind of CNS disease: SELECT ?atag_content ?some_cns_disease WHERE { ?atag sioc:content ?atag_content . ?atag sioc:topic ?some_cns_disease . ?some_cns_disease rdfs:subClassOf disease_ontology:DOID_331 . } LIMIT 500 Results: http://tinyurl.com/SIDER-about-CNS Some of the results look funny, for example, Memantine has 'Alzheimer's' listed as a side-effect. However, Memantine is actually used as a treatment for Alzheimer's. I have to look into that -- maybe SIDER should just be seen as providing associations between drugs and diseases/symptoms, without specifying whether they cause or cure the disease? This is also the case with the TCM datasets that Jun converted to RDF recently. Note that the SPARQL endpoint currently only contains a part of the data, possibly the Virtuoso Sponger has problems with parsing large RDFa files. Also note that others also have recently converted SIDER into RDF as well (Anja Jentsch, Peter Ansell). Cheers, Matthias Samwald DERI Galway, Ireland http://deri.ie/ Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution & Cognition Research, Austria http://kli.ac.at/
Received on Friday, 29 May 2009 09:24:47 UTC