Two Semantic Web Sampler Talks on video

Eric Prud'hommeaux (W3C) gave a series of 3 x 1/2 hour talks about 
Semantic Web in the Science Park in Amsterdam last year. The last two of 
these were captured on ISLA-TV[1].

Federated Queries over Web-sized Data Sources
     * query mapping to relational algebra:
            o SPASQL - RDF query over relational data
            o federation enhancements
        o performance characteristics


Semantic Web Services

Automagic choreography and invocation of web services based on the 
semantics of their input and output messages.
           o SPDL - terse syntax for message-based data mapping
           o constructing rules from maps
       o rule-derived service choreography
           o integration with other inference systems



Received on Saturday, 2 May 2009 05:08:52 UTC