Re: blog: semantic dissonance in uniprot

2009/3/27 John Madden <>:
> Hi Peter,
>> It would be infinitely better than seeAlso where you have no idea what
>> the intent is, other than it isn't owl:sameAs or anything else in
>> between.
> Of course, you could create a property ex:similarTo in your own namespace,
> and then declare that
>        ex:similarTo rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:seeAlso .
> Then you could just make some English language usage recommendations about
> ex:similarTo.

Yep, then program developers will know to emphasise this particular
link in a certain way, and not just dump it in the general links

If anyone has suggestions for properties like this that would be
applicable to Bio2RDF database interlinks btw, Michel and I (and the
rest of the group) would be keen to hear about them so that we can put
them into practice.



Received on Thursday, 26 March 2009 22:39:26 UTC