Re: DBpedia to OBO mapping: did someone already work on it?

I don't know that much about how DBpedia is generated, but many OBO  
Ontologies have reasonably complete xref mappings to Wikipedia.


plus a few more

It would presumably be a simple syntactic translation to dbpedia URIs

On Mar 25, 2009, at 3:03 PM, Matthias Samwald wrote:

> Question: Does a mapping between DBpedia and the OBO ontologies  
> exist? Has someone already invested some time in doing this, or at  
> least reviewed how to best approach it?
> Given the central position of DBpedia in the linked data cloud and  
> its rich content in the biomedical domain, creating such a mapping  
> is an obvious (and very useful) thing to do.
> Cheers,
> Matthias Samwald
> DERI Galway, Ireland
> Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution & Cognition Research, Austria

Received on Thursday, 26 March 2009 00:21:15 UTC