Re: Announcement: Bio2RDF 0.3 released

Hi Kei,

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Kei Cheung <> wrote:
> As part of the biordf query federation task, we are currently exploring a
> federation scenario involving integration of neuroreceptor-related
> information. For example, IUPHAR provides information for different classes
> of receptors. For example, in the table shown at
>, ligands
> are provided for receptors but not InChI codes ...

That's an interesting table... not Open it seems... did you ask
permission (and get) permission to  redistribute under a free license,
perhaps? The list is not overly long, and InChIs could be added
manually, though one would have to assume the compound names (btw,
some are compound classses!) are unique...

PubChem also has links to MeSH terms, and I also see a MeSH term in
the ChemBox on WikiPedia... that would be open data, and could provide
similary information.

I have been pondering about setting up open source semantic wiki to
linking data, where there is no Open source for that available, but
have not had time for that yet.


Post-doc @ Uppsala University

Received on Monday, 23 March 2009 15:15:17 UTC