Re: Introduction(s) to HCLS IG

Hi everybody,

My name is Stefano Bocconi and I work for Elsevier in the context of the 
European project OKKAM, which aims at providing unique identifiers to 
entities so that different source of information can be linked when they 
refer to the same entity. This includes structured data such as 
databases and RDF repository, and unstructured data such as text 
documents, web pages.
OKKAM's goal is to provide an infrastructure called  the Entity Name 
Server (analogously to a DNS for entities) that given the description of 
an entity, return its OKKAM id.

The part of the project I am responsible for is building applications 
that make use of the ENS to provide value-added services. One of the 
domain of interest is scientific publishing particularly in the field of 
Biology. My specific interests are

1) adoption of OKKAM ids to entities in the Life Science/ Health Care domain
2) integration of existing identifiers so that OKKAM can serve as an 
identifier resolver, a sort of bridge across different identifier systems
3) data integration that results once the identifiers are aligned.

My point of view is that of a computer scientist since I am not a 
biologist, and hopefully I can contribute to the discussion in this group.

Best regards,

    Stefano Bocconi

M. Scott Marshall wrote:
> Several new people have joined HCLS IG 
> lately. Welcome! We have a tradition of sending an Introduction so the 
> mailing list to help participants get to know each other and find 
> common interests. Would those of you who haven't yet done so please 
> send an introduction to the list? The introductions to date are 
> archived here (thanks to Duncan Hull's initiative): 

Received on Thursday, 19 March 2009 01:24:33 UTC