Fwd: Monash Univ. (postdoc.) Fellowships

Please post.
Apologies for any dupliate posting.

> - - ----------
> Monash University has established the prestigious Monash
> Fellowships Program to attract internationally competitive
> researchers from any discipline to undertake research of
> national and international significance and provide them
> with the best possible research environment.
> The Fellowships will be in the form of a direct appointment following
> a Monash-conducted competitive process open to researchers
> from outside Monash University, from within and outside Australia.
> Applicants should normally have at least two (2) but not more than
> eight (8) years of post-doctoral research experience and demonstrate
> excellent research outcomes at international level.
> Assoc. Prof. David Dowe (www.csse.monash.edu.au/~dld ,
> www.csse.monash.edu.au/~dld/David.Dowe.publications.html) seeks
> applicants for one of these Monash University postdoctoral fellowships
> in any of the following areas:  machine learning, artificial  
> intelligence
> (e.g., Bayesian networks, causal networks, supervised learning
> [decision trees, classification trees, decision graphs, classification
> graphs, support vector machines {SVMs}, neural networks, etc.],  
> mixture
> modelling and unsupervised learning, etc.), machine vision, image
> segmentation and clustering, statistical inference, model selection,
> point estimation, statistical consistency (both in misspecified models
> and/or in models where the amount of data per parameter is bounded  
> above,
> such as the classic Neyman-Scott (1948) problem), statistical  
> invariance,
> econometric inference, Minimum Message Length, MML, information  
> theory,
> Bayesian information theory, algorithmic information theory  
> (Kolmogorov
> complexity), elaborations of the elusive model paradox, MML and formal
> foundational quantitative definitions of intelligence, evolutionary  
> game
> theory, etc.
> For a more detailed (but not exhaustive) survey of possible areas of  
> work,
> see, e.g., D. L. Dowe (2008a), ``Foreword re C. S. Wallace'',  
> Computer J.
> (Oxford Univ. Press) [http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/bxm117 ,
> http://comjnl.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol51/issue5], Christopher
> Stewart WALLACE (1933-2004) memorial special issue, pp523-560.
> [Of particular note in the reference list to the above are Wallace's
> publications in J. Royal Stat. Soc. (B) in 1987 and in 1992 and
> Wallace & Dowe (1999a), ``Minimum Message Length and Kolmogorov
> complexity'', Computer J., Vol. 42, No. 4, pp270-283
> (http://comjnl.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/42/4/270 ,
> www.csse.monash.edu.au/~dld/David.Dowe.publications.html#WallaceDowe1999a) 
> .
> Also of interest is that, following on from my theory in Dowe &  
> Wallace (1998),
> the first works on doing hybrid MML Bayesian networks using both  
> discrete
> and continuous attributes were Comley & Dowe (2003) and Comley &  
> Dowe (2005)
> www.csse.monash.edu.au/~dld/ 
> David.Dowe.publications.html#ComleyDowe2003
> www.csse.monash.edu.au/~dld/David.Dowe.publications.html#ComleyDowe2005 
>  .]
> Successful applicants will be awarded an annual salary in the
> Research Fellow Level B range Aus$83,363 to Aus$98,994 p.a. (includes
> employer superannuation of 17%) plus a research support grant of
> up to Aus$50,000 per annum (p.a.), for five (5) years.  The  
> Fellowships
> are tenable only at Monash University and it is expected that most of
> the time will be spent at the relevant Monash department/school/centre
> - such as the Department of Computer Science in the Clayton School of
> Information Technology, Faculty of Information Technology with A./ 
> Prof.
> David Dowe (in Melbourne, Australia).
> It is expected that up to four (4) awards will be made.
> Additional information, including application forms and guidelines,
> can be obtained from the following Monash University web site:
> www.monash.edu.au/research/academics/funding/information/monash/monash-fellowships.html
> (and www.monash.edu.au/jobs).
> Successful applicants will be awarded an annual salary in the
> Research Fellow Level B range Aus$83,363 to Aus$98,994 p.a. (includes
> employer superannuation of 17%) plus a research support grant of
> up to Aus$50,000 per annum (p.a.), for five (5) years.
> (For the value of an Australia$, see, e.g., www.xe.com/ucc .)
> Duration: Five-year appointment.
> Location: Monash University's Clayton campus, Melbourne, Australia.
> Deadline for application:  Despite the officially stated deadline
> with the university (at the end of July), there will be an earlier
> internal deadline within Monash University's Faculty of Information
> Technology of approx. 10th July 2009.
> Enquiries of an academic/technical nature:
> A./Prof. David L. Dowe, david dot dowe at infotech dot monash.edu.au
> (www.csse.monash.edu.au/~dld/David.Dowe.publications.html).
> [Enquiries of an administrative nature: Mrs Aysun Alpyurek on
> +61 3 9905-9790 (or Aysun.Alpyurek@adm.monash.edu.au).]
> Location: Monash University's Clayton campus, Melbourne, Australia.
> Ref. No.: A099977.
> Go to www.monash.edu.au/jobs for position details and application
> information.

Received on Monday, 22 June 2009 08:53:01 UTC