- From: Adrian Paschke <adrian.paschke@gmx.de>
- Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 11:31:39 +0100
- To: <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
Call for Papers I-Semantics 2009: International Conference on Semantic Systems Graz, Austria, 2 - 4 September 2009 http://www.i-semantics.at Scope ===== I-SEMANTICS 2009 (www.i-semantics.at) is the 5th conference in the I-SEMANTICS series and provides a forum for academic and industrial research & development that focuses on semantic technologies and the Semantic Web. I-SEMANTICS 2009 will bring together both researchers and practitioners in the areas of Social Software and the Semantic Web in order to present and develop innovative ideas that help realising the “Social Semantic Web” and the “Corporate Semantic Web”. I-SEMANTICS 2009 will be the host of this year`s regional Pragmatic Web Conference as well as the second edition of the TRIPLIFICATION Challenge. Further on I-SEMANTICS will be complemented by I-KNOW (www.i-know.at), the International Conference on Knowledge Management. This setup is aiming to reflect the increasing importance and convergence of knowledge management and semantic systems. Topics ====== Social Software systems such as Blogs and Wikis have led to a dramatic increase of content available on the Web and within organisations. Professional content is nowadays to large extents created by independent individuals instead of large publishers, it is shared and made available free of charge, and often constantly improved by collaborative processes. A question that is yet unsolved, is how to find the relevant information in increasingly large and complex content bases, a problem where technologies developed in the course of the Semantic Web initiative can help. Likewise, it will be beneficial to harness social content production not only for traditional content but also for the creation and improvement of machine-understandable knowledge, such as meta-data, taxonomies and ontologies for purposes on the web as well as within organisations. The special focus of I-SEMANTICS 2009 is „Semantic Web & Semantic Social Software – Pragmatic Aspects for Corporations, Communities and Individuals”. As a conference aiming to bring together science and industry, I-SEMANTICS encourages both, scientific (research/application) and industrial contributions. The following table summarises the topics we are interested in: Semantic Social Software ------------------------ • Semantic / structured blogging • Semantic / structured tagging • Semantic wikis • Semantic content management systems • Semantic data web: browsers and end-points • Semantic desktop • Semantic mashups • Storage, inference and caching for scalable SSW applications Semantic Content Engineering ---------------------------- • Ontology Engineering & Ontology Merging • Ontology Design Patterns • Ontology Life Cycle Management • Ontology Learning • Ontology and semantic knowledge federation • Linguistic and statistic approaches (text-mining, NLP, etc.) for structuring and extracting content and entities • Automated annotation, extreme tagging and digital curation approaches Web of Data and Linked Data --------------------------- • Contributing to the linked data cloud • Triplification approaches • Vocabularies, taxonomies, schemas • Semantic interoperability • Upper level ontologies for open data • Linked Data Applications & Linked Data Browsing • Querying Linked Data • Using Linked Data in Enterprises Building Blocks for Semantic Web Applications --------------------------------------------- • Rules and ontologies as building blocks for Semantic Web Applications • Existing tools and applications • Application domains • Application stacks for the design of semantic applications • Design processes from requirements to maintenance • Design patterns, Best practices and Reference Models • Persistence of semantic data • Applications utilizing open data sets • Semantic media management and retrieval • Semantic web services • Semantifying legacy web applications and semantic heterogeneous information systems • Social semantic web and mobile services • User-interface components, template languages supporting semantic social content • Integration of distributed semantic repositories • Policy Awareness & Policy Aware Web Pragmatic Web ------------- For a detailed description of the topics of this year`s Pragmatic Web Conference please go to http://www.pragmaticweb.info/ • Theories, Frameworks, Models and Methods...inspired by Pragmatics and Pragmatism, or less formally, case study reflections on "pragmatic" uses of the Web that supported the negotiation of social/work relationships and common ground • Applied pragmatic theory • Communication, dialogue and argumentation models • Pragmatic Web media for communicative actions • Pragmatic collaboration and coordination tools • Pragmatic context models (e.g. within conversation-based collaborations) • Pragmatic design principles for Web contents where trust and commitment to action play a role • Vocabularies / ontologies for pragmatic primitives (e.g. speech acts, deontic primitives, etc.) • Linguistic metaphor: its value for framing the Syntactic, Semantic and Pragmatic Web • Pragmatic model of scientific inquiry in Semantic Web research • Negotiation, mediation, conflict resolution, and coordination combining existing ontologies and schemata, collaborative ontology sharing and matching techniques • Integrative frameworks: approaches to integrating insights from component disciplines (e.g. language-action perspectives,cognition, linguistics, semiotics, knowledge representation, philosophy, interaction design, negotiation, media studies) • Pragmatic reasoning supporting adaptive semantic collaboration and virtual collaborative teams • Sense making, analysis and decision-making in a cooperative or non-cooperative pragmatic model • Argumentation, dialogue and debate • Personalized / role-based Pragmatic Web Agents and intelligent conversation or action based web services • Pragmatic Web based human-human and human-computer interaction • Semiotically motivated approaches to information systems • Semiotic engineering and Semiotics in business computing • Semiotic theory, concepts, methods and techniques, and their practical applications Studies, Metrics & Benchmarks ----------------------------- • Case studies of semantic systems usage • Use cases for semantic web systems • Evaluation perspectives, methods and Semantic Web research methodologies • Technology assessment, acceptance/media choice theories • Usability and user interaction with semantic technologies • Analysis of emergent effects within social software • Ontology quality models • Quality analysis of socially generated semantic content Corporate Semantic Web ---------------------- • Semantics, Pragmatics and Semiotics in Organizations • Corporate Semantic Web business applications and deep semantic web • Social software in a corporate context • Semantic Business Information Management • Semantic Enterprise Application Integration • Corporate thesauri, corporate business vocabularies / ontologies and business rules • Semantic Computer Supported Cooperative Work • Semantic Business Process Management • Semantic Business Information Systems • Semantic technologies in enterprise governance, enterprise decision management and enterprise operations management • Economic and entrepreneurial aspects of semantic-enriched enterprise application systems and enterprise service networks • Economies of "attention" for semantic collaboration • Business models for social semantic web applications • Business use and use cases for corporate semantic web systems • Models measuring costs/benefits of semantic technologies in the sense of entrepreneurial activity • Implementation of gratification and reward systems • Authentication, authorization, pricing, and accounting - policies, charging and billing models for semantic (social) software • Methodologies for the introduction of enterprise wikis & semantically enhanced enterprise software Governance & Social Issues on the Semantic Web ---------------------------------------------- • Group management, presence, social interaction enablers in mobile service platforms • Strategies for implementing architectures of semantic participation • Trust and privacy issues in social software • Analysis of motivations and behavior of social software users Triplification Challenge ======================== I-SEMANTICS 2009 will also hold the 2nd TRIPLFICATION Challenge. We encourage submissions such as: • Applications of Linked Data tools and techniques such as for example Triplify, Virtuoso or D2RQ on custom Web applications and data sets exposing a large quantity and variety of content. • Implementations of exporters and mappers from existing content repository formats (such as mbox mailing list archives, BibTeX, XML-Schemes etc.) into RDF and Linked Data. • Adoptions / configurations of Triplify for standard Web applications, such as for example Wikis, Weblogs, Webshops, Forums, Web-Gallery, ERP/CRM systems and Web-calendar software. You can find popular Web applications for example at SourceForge. • Portings of the Triplify script into other Web application programming languages such as Python, Ruby, Perl, ASP. The Triplify script is very small (<300 lines of code) however, the port should be as compatible as possible with the current reference implementation but integrate well with the environment given by the programming language. • Applications showcasing the benefits of Linked Data to end-users such as for information syndication, specialized search, browsing or augmentation of content. The challenge is open to anyone interested in applying Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies. This might include students, developers, researchers, and people from industry. Individual or group submissions are both acceptable. Please find further information at http://i-semantics.tugraz.at/triplification_challenge. Submission Information ====================== All accepted papers of I-SEMANTICS 2009 will appear in the printed conference proceedings published by the Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS). Selected papers will also be invited for an extension to be published as journal publication in a special issue of Elsevier DKE (Data & Knowledge Engineering). Submissions must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Articles should follow the JUCS guidelines for formatting (http://www.jucs.org/ujs/jucs/info/submissions/style_guide.html) and must be submitted via the online submission system available at the conference website as PDF documents (other formats will not be accepted). For the camera-ready version, we will also need the source files (Latex, OpenOffice, Word). Research/Application Papers --------------------------- Research/Application papers report on novel research and/or applications relevant to the topics of the conference. The number of pages of research papers is limited to 8 pages including references and an optional appendix. Posters, Demos & Tutorials -------------------------- The conference also particularly welcomes the submission of posters, demos, and tutorials. Submissions should consist of a 2-4 page description that allows us to judge the quality of your presentation. Descriptions will also be published as part of the proceedings. Important Dates =============== • Paper Submission Deadline: 9 March 2009 • Acceptance of Notification: to be announced • Submission of Camera-Ready Paper: to be announced • Conference: 2 - 4 September 2009 Organising Committee ==================== (in alphabetical order) Programme Chairs ---------------- * Wernher Behrendt (Salzburg Research) * Andreas Blumauer (Semantic Web Company) * Michael Hausenblas (Joanneum Research / DERI Galway) * Adrian Paschke (Free University of Berlin) * Klaus Tochtermann (Know Center Graz) * Hans Weigand (University of Tilburg) Organisation Chairs ------------------- * Georg Güntner (Salzburg NewMediaLab) * Markus Luczak-Rösch (Free University of Berlin) * Tassilo Pellegrini (Semantic Web School) Program Committee ------------------- Akerkar Rejandra, Technomathematics Research Foundation, Kolhapur / India Auer Sören Universität Leipzig Ayers Danny Talis Bergman Mike Structured Dynamics Boley Harold Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick Bürger Tobias STI Innsbruck Cyganiak Richard DERI Galway Damjanovic Violeta Salzburg Research Dietzold Sebastian Universität Leipzig DiMaio Paola Strathclyde University, UK Erling Orri OpenLink Software Hartig Olaf Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Heath Tom Talis Heese Ralf Freie Universität Berlin Hepp Martin Universität der Bundeswehr Jelinek Ivan Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague Jeremic Zoran Military Academy, Belgrade, Serbia Jovanovic Jelena University of Belgrade, Serbia Klusch M. DFKI Lange Christoph DERI/Jacobs Universität Bremen Langegger Andreas JKU Linz Liu Kecheng Informatics Research Center, University of Reading Lovrencic Sandra University of Zagreb, Croatia Milanovic Milan University of Belgrade, Serbia Mizoguchi R. Osaka University Mochol Malgorzata Freie Universität Berlin Nixon Lyndon STI International Norton Barry KMI Open University Obrst Leo MITRE Corporation Pellegrini Tassilo Semantic Web Company Peterson David BoaB Interactive Polleres Axel DERI Galway Reiser Peter SUN Microsystems Samwald Matthias DERI Galway Sauermann Leo DFKI Schandl Thomas Semantic web Company Sequeda Juan University of Texas at Austin Shakya Aman National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo Simperl Elena STI Innsbruck Staab Stephan Faculty of Computer Science, University of Koblenz-Landau Stamper Ronald University of Twente (Prof. emeritus) Stankovic Milan Université Paris-Sud XI Orsay, France Stenzhorn Holger Institut für Medizinische Biometrie und Medizinische Informatik, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg Tempich Christoph DETECON International Tolksdorf Robert FU Berlin Wieser Christoph Salzburg Research Zhdanova Anna FTW Vienna to be continued …
Received on Wednesday, 25 February 2009 10:32:20 UTC