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Coming up imminently will be our 5th session in the mini-series on
"Semantic Wikis: The Wiki Way to the Semantic Web" ... You are
cordially invited to join us virtually at the event, tomorrow,
Thursday 12-Feb-2009.
The session is entitled: "Semantic Wiki Applications & Use Cases (2):
hrizontal applications"
This session will be co-chaired by Dr. Li Ding and Dr. Jie Bao (both
from the RPI Tetherless World Constellation). They have put together
another very exciting program for us, that will include applications
and use cases that are applicable across a wide range of domains The
program will include:
Panel Presentations:
* (0) Dr. LiDing & Dr. JieBao - opening
* (T1) Mr. YaronKoren - "External Data in Semantic MediaWiki"
* (T2) Mr. PhilippZaltenbach - "Expansion of MediaWiki search: The
enhanced retrieval extension"
* (T3) Professor PeterDolog - "Tag Based Recommendations in KIWI"
* (T4) Mr. MikeAxelrod - "Sheparding the zoo, a lighthearted chat
about fostering collaboration and wiki culture in a large corporate
* (T5) Mr. MarcFeickert - "A Semantic Wiki for Your Grandmother"
* (T6) Mr. JoelNatividad - "Visualizing Semantic Inline Query
Results with SRF-Ploticus"
Lightning Talks:
* (L1) Ms. JenniferVendetti - "The Stanford Protege Wiki"
* (L2) Dr. ValentinaPresutti / Mr. EnricoDaga - "The ODPwiki"
As before, we will leave ample time for Q&A and open discussion at
this session, after we are done with all the prepared presentations.
We are confident that the mini-series will be useful for those who
seek to find out what semantic wikis are all about, as well as for the
serious developers, administrators and users of semantic wikis.
*Conference Call Details*:
* Date: Thursday, 12-February-2008
* Start Time:
10:30am PST / 12:30pm CST / 1:30pm EST / 7:30pm CET / 18:30 UTC
o see world clock -
* Expected Call Duration: 2.0~2.5 hours
* Dial-in Numbers:
o When calling in from a phone, use Conference ID: "4389979#"
o from a US telephone (US): +1-218-486-3600
o from Europe, call:
+ Austria 0820-4000-1577
+ Germany 01805-00-7642
+ Switzerland 0848-560-327 or 0848-414-110
+ UK 0870-738-0765
Please refer to full agenda and details (including dial-in numbers for
more European countries) at the session wiki page at:
This event, like all Ontolog virtual events, is open and free of
charge. Anyone who is interested, or (better still) who may have
something to contribute, is welcome. Please refer to event details on
the session page, to which the hyperlink is given above, where you
will find session agenda, conference call dial-in, slides and other
pertinent information. Feel free to pass this invitation along to
colleagues who may also find these sessions to be of interest.
*RSVP* by emailing Peter Yim at <> offline (or add
yourself directly to the session page if you are already an Ontolog
member) so that we can prepare enough resources to support everyone.
[Please state clearly the date of the session you are registering for
in your email.]
This session will be recorded and made available in a publicly
accessible archive. Therefore, before participating, please make sure
you are cognizant of our IPR policy (ref:
Regards. =ppy
for the Session co-chairs,
Li Ding & Jie Bao
Semantic Wiki mini-series project
Dr. LiDing (RPI Tetherless World Constellation),
Dr. SebastianSchaffert (Salzburg Research, Austria),
Mr. HaroldSolbrig (Mayo Clinic),
Mr. MaxVolkel (AIFB, Karlsruhe), and
Mr. PeterYim (Ontolog, CIM3)
P.S. Revisit the full proceedings (including agenda, abstracts,
slides, audio recording, podcast, transcript of the live chat, and
list of attendees) of the last two sessions in this mini-series at:
Session-1: "A Survey of the Landscape and State-of-Art in Semantic
Wiki" -
Session-2: "Semantic Wiki Technology (1): An introduction to some of
the Semantic Wiki Engines and Related Technologies" -
Session-3: "Semantic Wiki Technology (2): MediaWiki,
SemanticMediaWiki, Extensions, Add-on's and other Enhancements" -
Session-4: "Semantic Wiki Applications & Use Cases (1): vertical
applications" -
P.P.S. Mark your calendars and make sure you come join us for the
concluding virtual panel sessions of this SemanticWiki mini-series:
Session-6: "The Future of Semantic Wiki: Trends, Challenges and
Outlook" - Thu 2009.03.05
o each session will be 2.0~2.5 hours in length, starting at: 10:30am
PST / 1:30pm EST / 7:30pm CET / 18:30 UTC
o All session will be in the format of an augmented conference call
(similar to other Ontolog virtual events); you will only need a phone
and Internet access to participate.
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