Re: drug side effects

2009/4/29 Matthias Samwald <>:
> We have metadata! The download page (
> contains Creative Commons licensing HTML, which in  turn contains RDFa.
> We can extract the RDF from the page with a web service:
> (The swignition service adds additional metadata for some reason)
> Of course, metadata associated with the HTML does not help much with
> automated data processing further down the road -- just attaching metadata
> does not solve the whole problem, of course.

I have been rdfising the sideeffects database for Bio2RDF over the
last week. It is linked pretty well to stitch so there is value in
having the actual information in RDF. When it is complete the scripts
will be available for others to also use to perform the rdfisation

I haven't been focusing on the license metadata but as they aren't
using the same license for all of their files it would be good to go
back and encode which license each piece of information is released



Received on Tuesday, 28 April 2009 21:43:42 UTC