- From: Paolo Romano <paolo.romano@istge.it>
- Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 15:18:02 +0200
- To: public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org
Due to many requests for a new deadline for submission of contributions for oral communications, the related deadline has been postponed to: Monday May 4, 2009, at 12.00 (noon), EST (GMT+1). ===== Last Call for Oral communications NETTAB 2009 Workshop on "Technologies, Tools and Applications for Collaborative and Social Bioinformatics Research and Development" with a Special Session on: "Methods and Tools for RNA Structure and Functional Analysis" June 10-13, 2009 Department of Computer Science, University of Catania, Italy http://www.nettab.org/2009/ Deadline approaching: May 4, 2009: Oral communication submission Contributions must be short papers of around THREE A4 pages or 12.000 characters long. Submit through the EasyChair system at: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nettab2009 . See web site for details. Motivation The most recent developments of collaborative development tools are impressive. Researchers can now collaboratively develop software (open source systems), discuss and compare development strategies (social networks), write documents (google docs, wiki systems), build knowledge bases. So, it may now be the time for presenting current technologies, tools and applications for collaborative work and for discussing perspectives of their utilization in support of Bioinformatics. For these reasons, NETTAB 2009 will be devoted to "Technologies, Tools and Applications for Collaborative and Social Bioinformatics Research and Development". The RNA community is also taking advantage of collaborative research tools such as Wikis and other virtual environments. The RNA WikiProject contains now over 600 articles describing families of noncoding RNAs based on the Rfam database, and invite the community to update, edit, and correct those articles. Therefore, the NETTAB 2009 special session will focus on collaborative research project, computational methods and tools for the analysis of RNA structures and functions, with a special emphasis on ncRNAs. Invited Speakers (more to be announced) # Alex Bateman Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK # Doron Betel MSKCC - Computational Biology Center New York, USA # Tim Clark Director of Informatics, MassGeneral Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease Neurology Research Department, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA # Duncan Hull School of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK # Gabriel Valiente Technical University of Catalonia, Department of Software, Barcelona, Spain # Debora Marks Systems Biology Department, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA # Gabriel Valiente Technical University of Catalonia, Department of Software, Barcelona, Spain Topics - Collaborative Web sites (bioinformatics.org, biojava, bioperl, …) - Communities of Practices (CoPs) Scientific practices in scientific communities Automatic detection / gathering / modelling of scientific practices Implementations of CoPs - Social networking (myExperiment, Annotea, myScience) Social Bookmarking Semantic Document Markup Relationships mining from literature - Open Source development Sharing of data models, libraries, interfaces - Social software for collaborative documentation development Wikis, blogs, google docs Knowledge Wikis Social-software-mediated collaborative scientific research Social-software-mediated collaborative tools' development Knowledge base collaborative development Ontologies collaborative development - Education and training tools E-learning Virtual environments Methods and Tools for RNA Structure and Functional Analysis - RNA structure prediction - Collaborative studies of RNAs - ncRNAs functional analysis and classification - miRNAs and networks - Genome-wide functional studies - Identification of ncRNAs - Databases of ncRNAs and miRNA targets - miRNA targets prediction - Synthetic miRNA and siRNA design - Gene expression analysis - Analysis of viral RNAs - RNAi therapeutics - Identification of ncRNAs biomarkers - RNA-protein interaction prediction Deadlines Contributions for both oral communications and posters must be short papers of around THREE A4 pages or 12.000 characters long. They must be submitted through the EasyChair system at: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nettab2009 . - May 4, 2009: Oral communication submission - May 15, 2009: Posters submission - May 17, 2009: Early registration - June 10-13, 2009: Tutorials and Workshop Calls for SPECIAL ISSUES We plan to launch Calls for Special Issues on the themes of the workshop in peer-review journals with associated Impact factor around July for submission in September 2009. Best regards. Paolo Romano on behalf of NETTAB 2009 Chairs NETTAB '09 - Ninth International Workshop on Network Tools and Applications in Biology 10-13 June 2009, Catania, Italy http://www.nettab.org/2009/ Paolo Romano (paolo.romano@istge.it) Bioinformatics National Cancer Research Institute (IST)
Received on Tuesday, 28 April 2009 13:18:44 UTC