== Invitation to the Large Knowledge Collider Early Adopters Workshop ==

== Invitation to the Large Knowledge Collider Early Adopters Workshop ==

What: LarKC = the Large Knowledge Collider <http://www.larkc.eu>
Why:  be among the first to experiment with technology for
       infinitely scalable semantic web reasoning
When: 1 June 2009
Where: co-located with ESWC, Crete, <http://www.larkc.eu/early-adopters/>

Participation is free, but space is limited.
Interested? Read on.

The first LarKC Early Adopters workshop will be held in conjunction with the
European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2009 in Crete on the 1st of June
2009. This will be the first chance for researchers to experiment with the
LarKC platform for infinitely scalable semantic web reasoning
<http://www.larkc.eu>. The Early Adopters workshop will create a community
that will get early access to project infrastructure, and participants will
experiment with plug-ins and data on the collider.

Participants to the workshop will be introduced to the LarKCproject by
scientific coordinator Frank van Harmelen. The workshop will provide hands
on sessions with LarKC technology. This will enable you to create your own
experiment and plugins for the LarKC platform. You will also see the
potential of LarKC technology through demonstrations based on project use

Participants will be invited to become members of LarKC's early adopters
group, and will get access to the LarKC hardware and software infrastructure
also after the conference.

Detailed Information
Date: June 1st 2009
Time: 09:00 to 18:00
Where: Aldemar Knossos Royal Village, Heraklion, Crete
Note: The workshop will be followed by a LarKC sponsored reception that will
open the 6th European Semantic Web Conference

If you are interested in being an early adopter of LarKC, please register
for the event at <http://www.larkc.eu/early-adopters/>

Participation is free, but space is limited.

Received on Thursday, 23 April 2009 16:03:58 UTC