Re: Reminder: Sci Discourse concall Friday Apr 3 11am-noon Boston time

Dear Scott,

In a discussion last night, Kei Cheung made the very interesting  
suggestion  that the SciDisc breakout session at the F2F focus on a  
bridging use case between Discourse, Terminology and BioRDF and then  
laying out a road map for achieving good integration.

I'd like to throw that out as a challenge for the SciDisc call today:   
do people want to focus the SciDisc breakout session on that goal?   
What are the main use cases?  Are any breakthroughs needed to achieve  
the goal?  Is it realistic?

Also along those lines, Paolo Ciccarese has agreed to give a talk at  
the F2F on a "Lightweight Semantics Approach" he is working on, with  
the assistance of Alex Passant of DERI.  As you will see this is very  
appropriate to integrating and aligning SciDisc and Terminology and  
expands on the discussion on our SciDisc call two weeks ago around  
John's presentation.

HCLS participants interested in the challenge proposed by Kei are  
cordially invited to join the SciDisc call today at 11am-noon Boston  
time (GMT-5).  See previous reminder for details.



On Apr 3, 2009, at 6:20 AM, M. Scott Marshall wrote:

> Dear Tim,
> John Madden has told us that he can only come on the second day of  
> the F2F because of clinical duties on the first day (when the task  
> breakouts are planned). Because many task forces seem to have  
> interest and applications for terminologies, we made a dedicated  
> slot for that discussion on the second day. The agenda was updated  
> to reflect that:
> Of course, that shouldn't stop us from brainstorming on the first  
> day and in e-mail and teleconferences before then. Many ideas are  
> already circulating that we can work out and refine before the F2F.
> Some of the general ideas now circulating include:
> * Federated query has applications in multiple task forces (BioRDF,  
> * Using terminologies to annotate/tag data (BioRDF, SciDisc)
> * Using terminologies to support query building for a knowledge base  
> where there is some overlap/relation between the terms and the  
> knowledge base contents
> * Using terminologies to support query building for data that has  
> been annotated with *precisely* that terminology
> * Storing generally useful queries and tagging them so that they can  
> be found again
> In yesterday's HCLS call, John told us that he can probably get some  
> anonymized data that has been annotated with SNOMED. This seems like  
> an ideal next step for Terminology.
> I agree that coming up with an alignment path between Scientific  
> Discourse and Terminology tasks would be very useful, as well as  
> similar alignments with other task forces such as BioRDF.
> -Scott
> Tim Clark wrote:
>> Dear Colleagues:
>> This is a reminder for the HCLS Scientific Discourse Task concall  
>> for Apr 3 11am-noon Boston time (GMT-5).
>> Our basic agenda for tomorrow is to plan the objectives for our  
>> breakout session at the upcoming HCLS F2F meeting, which is April  
>> 30 - May 1 in Cambridge at MIT.
>> We are lucky enough to have John Madden joining us for at least a  
>> good part of the breakout, and that leads me to suggest one  
>> possible goal might be to lay out an alignment path between  
>> Scientific Discourse and Terminology tasks - which raises many  
>> issues and requires development of cogent use cases.  But that is  
>> only one suggestion and you may have your own favorites.
>> The F2F is a more intense high bandwidth kind of interaction than  
>> we can have on concalls and it seems right to use it to advance the  
>> goals of our Task.
>> So please bring your best ideas, use cases, needs, dreads, hot- 
>> button topics, and wild schemes to the concall tomorrow.  Let's get  
>> them out there and see if they out to go into the F2F goals!  Think  
>> big.
>> Talk to you tomorrow.
>> Tim
>> == Conference Details ==
>> * Date of Call: Friday April 3, 2009
>> * Time of Call: 11:00am Eastern Time
>> * Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
>> * Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
>> * Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK)
>> * Participant Access Code: 4257 ("HCLS")
>> * IRC Channel: port 6665 channel #HCLS (see [ 
>>  W3C IRC page] for details, or see [ 
>>  Web IRC])
>> * Duration: ~1 hour
>> * Convener: Tim Clark
>> * Scribe: Harold
>> == Agenda ==
>> * Task Reports (brief)
>> * Plan Goals for F2F

Received on Friday, 3 April 2009 12:17:30 UTC