Initiative in Innovative Computing @ Harvard
IIC Connect- An Open House
Friday, May 23, 2008; 9a.m.-2p.m.
60 Oxford Street, Room 3rd and 4th floors
Dear IIC Friend,
We hope you'll join us next Friday, May 23, for "IIC Connect," an open
house at the Initiative in Innovative Computing. From 9 a.m. to 2
p.m., we'll share the work of students, staff and faculty and offer
hands-on demonstrations of IIC technology in the making.
We hope you'll come and bring your ideas about how the IIC can
contribute to research and education at Harvard.
Please mark your calendar and check this URL for program information
as it develops:
You might ask...
10-minute presentations by project staff (9-11:30) and student
interns (11:45-1:30)
interactive demonstrations of emerging tools for computation-
intensive research and learning (all day)
hands-on workshops (to be announced)
a glimpse of the future of multi-touch, multi-user collaborative
a radioastronomy antenna
a chance to experience "Picturing to Learn"
... and more
60 Oxford Street, 3rd and 4th floors
Why "IIC Connect"?
We invite collaboration, ideas and questions from all over. Connect
with IIC!
Who is welcome?
Everyone: Faculty, students, staff. Please feel free to distribute
this invitation freely.
iic-seminars mailing list
Tim Clark
Director of Informatics, MassGeneral Institute for Neurodegenerative
Instructor in Neurology, Harvard Medical School
617-947-7098 (mobile)