Re: GO as RDF properties

Hi Chris,

> As Alan says biopax-obo would be a good list to ask about this

I'm checking out the list at this very moment.
> > Also, I suppose I have to remap the
> > class hierarchy to a property hierarchy, since the properties will not
> > heed the rdfs:subClassOf hierarchy. Perhaps something like this in
> >
> > PREFIX GO: <>
> > CONSTRUCT { ?a a rdfs:Property .
> >             ?b a rdfs:Property .
> >             ?a rdfs:subPropertyOf ?b }
> > WHERE   { GRAPH < 
> > molecular_function/molecular_function.owl>
> >           {  ?a a GO:GO_000382 .
> >              ?b a GO:GO_000382 .
> >              ?a rdfs:subClassOf ?b } } .
> 'a' is a synonym for rdf:type isn't it? Which means ?a and ?b would  
> be in the ABox, so you couldn't have a subClassOf axiom between them  
> in OWL1.0 DL

My mistake. One more try:

CONSTRUCT { ?a a rdfs:Property .
            ?b a rdfs:Property .
            ?a rdfs:subPropertyOf ?b }
         {  ?a rdfs:subClassOf GO:GO_000382 .
            ?b rdfs:subClassOf GO:GO_000382 .
            ?a rdfs:subClassOf ?b } } .

> > Another question is how can I write this in RDF schema or OWL? I  
> > have a
> > nagging feeling that I am over-reaching on this one... Any comments
> > welcome.
> Not sure what you mean here.

I'm not sure either. I wondered what is the best way to model the enzyme
property in RDF schema or OWL; maybe something like this (ignoring RNA
enzymes for now).

    a rdfs:Property ;
    rdfs:domain :Reaction ;
    rdfs:range <> .


Tore Eriksson [tore.eriksson ad]

Received on Friday, 14 March 2008 00:03:01 UTC