2nd Call For Paper ONTOAPP'08 http://ontoapp.istase.fr

Apologies for cross-postings ! 
Please forward this mail to anyone interested. 

Paper Submission extended deadline: March 10, 2008 

All accepted papers will be included in ACM Digital Library 
Proceedings will be printed with an ACM ISBN 
Best papers will be considered for publication in national and 
international journals 


Workshop on ONTOlogy-driven APPlications in distributed systems 
(ONTOAPP) -- http://ontoapp.istase.fr 

June 23-27, 2008, Lyon, France 

To be held in conjunction with 8th International Conference on New 
Technologies of Distributed Systems (NOTERE'08) -- 

Workshop Scope: 

Ontologies are becoming widespread in several and disconnected 
Their usage lead to new software architectures, especially in the 
of distributed systems. It is however difficult to measure the impact 
their use in distributed environments. 

Obviously, feed backs from innovative software driven by ontologies 
mandatory for a better comprehension on how ontologies are used in 
use case (how does ontologies perform in practice ? What is the 
benefit/drawbacks for the software architect(s) using them ? What is 
benefit for the user(s) ? What are their limitations ? etc.). 

OntoAPP is a unique chance to make people interested in knowledge- 
systems meet, from theoretical aspects to applied research project. 

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 

-        Knowledge based systems (KBS) 
-        Use cases and feed backs on the usage of ontologies in 
-        Evaluation of KBS 
-        Querying of KBS 
-        Ontologies integration 
-        Common mistakes in ontologies design 
-        Interoperability and ontologies 
-        Collaborative Work and ontologies 
-        Usability and ontologies 
-        Semantic web and ontologies deployments 
-        Edition tools for ontologies 
-        Verification tools for ontologies 
-        Knowledge Management in distributed systems 
-        Ontologies and computer supported collaborative work 
-        Ontologies in e-commerce, e-government 
-        Ontologies in e-learning and e-science 
-        Ontologies and security 

Submission Guideline: 

Authors are invited to submit original papers in any of the areas 
above. Papers in English or French are solicited. Papers must respect 
the ACM proceedings format. Word and Latex templates are provided at 
conference Web site. All papers must be submitted via the OpenConf 
systems via the Workshop 

The length of the paper must not exceed 6 pages. At least one author 
an accepted paper is expected to attend the workshop to present the 

Important dates: 

Paper Submission         :         March 10, 2008 (already extended !) 
Notification             :         March 30, 2008 
Camera-ready             :         April 15, 2008 
Workshop date            :         June 23, 2008 

Workshop Chairs: 

Christophe Gravier, University Jean Monnet in Saint-Etienne, France 
Jacques Fayolle, University Jean Monnet in Saint-Etienne, France 
Richard Chbeir, Bourgogne University, France 

Program Committee: 

# Frederic Andres, National Institute of Informatics, Japan 
# Cuzzocrea Alfredo, University of Calabria, Italy 
# Ferri Fernando, IRPPS-CNR, Italy 
# Ishikawa Hiroshi, Shizuoka University, Japan 
# Pokorny Jaroslav, FEE CTU Prague, Prague 
# Kosch Harald, University of Passau, Germany 
# Yinghua Ma, Shanghai JiaoTong University, China 
# Martin O'Connor, Stanford University, USA 
# Vassilios Peristeras, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Ireland 

More informations: 


Dr. ing. Christophe Gravier
DIOM laboratory, SATIn - http://diom.istase.fr
ISTASE engineering school - http://www.istase.fr/
Jabber ID : gravier.christophe@jabber.istase.com

Workshop on ontology-driven applications within distributed systems -

Homepage: http://diom.istase.fr/public/cgravier/
PhD project: http://diom.istase.fr/satin/einst/

Received on Thursday, 6 March 2008 13:08:36 UTC