Call for Posters: 3rd Asian Semantic Web Conference, Pathumthani, Thailand

Call for Posters: 3rd Asian Semantic Web Conference

08 - 11 December 2008
Pathumthani (Thailand)

The Asian Semantic Web conference is meanwhile recognized as the yearly
conference on theoretical foundations, technological building blocks and
practical applications of semantic technologies on the Asian continent.
Targeted at both academia and industry, the conference will present the
latest research and development of the Semantic Web and its related
technologies. It will bring together researchers in relevant disciplines
such as artificial intelligence, knowledge modeling, logic, databases,
social networks, Web services, distributed computing, Web engineering,
information systems, natural language processing, multimedia, and
human-computer interaction.

As integral part of this conference the poster track is an opportunity
for researchers and developers to present late-breaking achievements,
ongoing projects, and innovative early ideas. It should provide authors
and attendees a forum for exchanging experiences and establishing
potential future collaborations. We welcome different types of
submissions, ranging from descriptions of completed research and work in
progress to more technical topics and practical applications.


Authors must submit a two-page abstract formatted according to the
information for LNCS authors. The topics of the poster track are fully
aligned with the program of the main conference and include:

Semantic Web Technologies

      * Query Languages and Optimization for the Semantic Web
      * Rule Languages, Logics and Scalable Reasoning on the Semantic Web
      * Tools and Methodologies for Large Scale Semantic Web Data -
      * Machine learning and human language technologies for the 
Semantic Web
      * Semantic Web Content Creation
      * Database Technologies for the Semantic Web

Semantic Web Services

      * Languages, Tools and Methodologies for Semantic Web Services
        (description, discovery, invocation, composition, choreography)
      * Semantic Descriptions of Enterprise Processes
      * Semantics Applied to Mashups and Adhoc Service Aggregations

Semantic Web Applications

      * Applications of Semantic Web (e-Business, e-Science, e-Health,
e-Government, e-Learning, e-Culture)
      * Case Studies of Semantic Web Applications
      * Personalization and User Modeling
      * Semantics in P2P Computing and the Grid
      * Semantic Web-based Knowledge Management
      * Semantic Web, Multimedia, and Human Computer Interaction

Social Semantic Web

      * Semantic Web and Social Networks and Processes
      * Semantic Web Technologies for Collaboration and Cooperation
        Trust, Provenance, Security, Privacy, Identity and the Semantic Web


      * Ontology Modeling
      * Ontology Management (creation, evolution, evaluation)
      * Ontology Alignment (mapping, matching, merging, mediation and
      * Ontology Learning and Metadata Generation
      * Ontology Searching and Ranking

Submissions will be evaluated for acceptability by a committee of
independent reviewers. Decisions about acceptance will be based on
relevance to the call, originality, potential impact and quality of the

Full papers rejected in the other tracks, notably the research track of
ASWC2008, will not automatically be considered for the poster track. A
separate poster submission must be made. A poster can be provided in
addition to a paper accepted for presentation in the research track or
can be used to present work that was insufficiently mature to be
accepted there.

Submission and reviewing of posters will be electronic by sending an
email to the poster chair Posters must be
submitted in PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format) format. Papers that
exceed the 2 pages limit, do not follow the LNCS guidelines or are not
submitted as PDF documents will be automatically rejected without a review.

Important Dates

Submission of poster descriptions: 15 September, 2008
Notification: 30 September, 2008
Camera Ready: 15 October, 2008

ASWC 2008 Poster Chair:
Elena Simperl, Semantic Technology Institute STI Innsbruck, University
of Innsbruck, Austria

ASWC 2008 Poster Programme Committee (to be extended)

Raul Garcia-Castro, UPM
Tom Heath, Talis Information Ltd
Reto Krummenacher, STI Innsbruck
Adrian Mocan, STI Innsbruck
Malgorzata Mochol, FU Berlin
Barry Norton, Open University
Daniel Oberle, SAP Research
Rob Shearer, Oxford University
Max Völkel, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Denny Vrandecic, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)

Received on Monday, 9 June 2008 09:49:55 UTC