- From: Barry Hardy <barry.hardy@vtxmail.ch>
- Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 13:54:33 +0200
- To: public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org
I just wanted to remind both senior researchers and young investigators that the deadline for abstracts submissions and applications for Bursary Awards for the Autumn Community of Practice Meetings on Drug Discovery & Development (14-17 October, Bryn Mawr) is 31 July 2008. The InnovationWell program will be covering topics in systems biology, computational biology, knowledge management, translational medicine, metabolomics, and predictive toxicology. The eCheminfo program will be covering topics in drug discovery informatics. Abstracts (300-500 words) should be submitted to innovationwell -[at]- douglasconnect.com or echeminfo -[at]- douglasconnect.com by 31 July 2008, and be accompanied by a short biography of the presenting author (300-500 words). Abstracts approved by the scientific organizing committee will be selected for scheduling on the conference program and in meeting poster sessions. Authors will be notified of acceptance as soon as a review of submitted materials takes place and at the latest by 15 August 2008. Bursary Award Bursary Awards will be used to support the attendance of a selection of academic young investigators at the meeting and workshops. Applicants can be working in any area of research related to drug discovery & development at the postdoctoral, graduate student and senior undergraduate levels. To apply for the bursary please send an email with a) your abstract and biography (300-500 words each), b) your CV of 1-2 pages, c) a short description of your interests and career motivations(300-500 words) to innovationwell -[at]- douglasconnect.com or echeminfo -[at]- douglasconnect.com by 31 July 2008. The recipients of the bursary awards will be selected based on an evaluation of the quality and innovation of the described research and the potential positive impact of attendance at the meeting on their research and career progress. Authors will be notified of acceptance by 15 August 2008. We gratefully acknowledge the sponsorship support of the Chemical Computing Group, Merck Research Laboratories, SimBioSys, Tibotec, Tripos and MEDIT. More information at: InnovationWell Program http://innovationwell.net/COMTY_conferences http://innovationwell-bm810.eventsbot.com/ eCheminfo Program http://echeminfo.com/COMTY_conferences http://echeminfoBM810.eventsbot.com best regards Barry Hardy PhD Douglas Connect, Switzerland Tel: +41 61 851 0170 Email: Barry.Hardy -(at)- douglasconnect (dot) com
Received on Friday, 18 July 2008 11:55:25 UTC