Re: BioRDF Telcon

During an HCLS call last December, EricN and Tonya said that they would
like BioRDF to take the lead on getting notes that were in progress
completed. Documents that had been started at that time included the HCLS
KB, SenseLab, URI and DSE notes.



             Jonathan Rees                                                 
   >                                                   To 
                                       Susie M Stephens                    
             04/27/2008 11:01          <STEPHENS_SUSIE_M@LILLY.COM>        
             PM                                                         cc 
                                       Re: BioRDF Telcon                   

Just to be clear... BioRDF is now empowered to make decisions that
ordinarily would be made by the IG, right? Like whether/how to bring
IG note drafts to FPWD and then from there to final version?


On Apr 26, 2008, at 11:18 AM, Susie M Stephens wrote:

> Here's the reminder for Monday's BioRDF call.
> Susie
> == Conference Details ==
>  * Date of Call: Monday April 28, 2008
>  * Time of Call: 11:00am Eastern Time
>  * Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
>  * Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
>  * Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK)
>  * Participant Access Code: 246733 ("BIORDF")
>  * IRC Channel: port 6665 channel #BioRDF
>  * Duration: ~1 hour
>  * Convener: Susie
>  * Scribe: Matthias
> == Agenda ==
>  * Update on HCLS note - Scott
>  * Update on SenseLab note - Matthias
>  * Update on URI note - Jonathan
>  * Update on DSE note - Kerstin/EricN
>  * Review of HCLS workshop at WWW2008 - Susie
>  * Opportunity at ISWC 2008 - Susie
>  * AOB

Received on Monday, 28 April 2008 14:07:22 UTC