new post: Research Assistant/ Research Fellow in Online Community Building and Web 2.0 for the Medicines Support Unit for Optometrists: Closing Date: 18 April 2008

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Dear friends,


Please could you forward the ad to your colleagues and friends who might be
interested in Web 2.0 research post for medical portal for optometrists. 


Closing Date: 18 April 2008







Job Ad:

Closing Date: 18 April 2008


This is a post to support the development of an online Internet portal -
Medicines Support Unit for Optometrists. This person will be working jointly
with the City ehealth Research Centre (CeRC) (
and the Department of Optometry. CeRC is a multidisciplinary ehealth
research centre collaborating with national and international partners on
grants funded by prestigious bodies such as the European Commission and the
World Health Organisation, DH, NHS, HPA and others. The Department of
Optometry and Visual Science has an international reputation for high
quality undergraduate and postgraduate optometric education and research.


The Research Assistant/ Research Fellow will be developing a Web portal for
the Medicines Support Unit for Optometrists working closely with the City
ehealth Research Centre on the technical side of the project (CeRC is
running the National electronic Library of Infection project
( which will host the new portal) and with the Department of
Optometry providing the content input and strategic direction. The aims of
this new online portal are: 

*	Providing a single-access point for medicines and prescribing
information relevant to the optometrist 
*	Providing online CET for specialist therapeutic GOC registrants 
*	Providing an eCommunity for peer group support in therapeutic

The post holder will be responsible for the development of the Online
Medicines Support Unit for Optometrists, based on the NeLI technical
infrastructure, liaise with the Department of Optometry and external
stakeholders to populate the content of the library, design a dataflow to
automate the CET points accrual and drive the research into Web 2.0 and
Semantic web for virtual medical communities. 
The post holder will join the vibrant technical team running the National
electronic Library of Infection family of projects ( at
CeRC. National electronic Library of Infection is a single-access point for
evidence-based knowledge around all aspects of infection hosting the
National Resource for Infection Control (, Bugs and Drugs on
the Web, e-Bug and other projects. The centre's research expertise covers a
wide spectrum of computer science (ontologies, semantic web, adaptability,
profiling and weblogs evaluation on the EC-funded SeaLife project
(, online education games for
children (the e-bug project: and impact
studies on various aspects of the delivery of medical knowledge to wide
spectrum of professionals and patients (Bugs and Drugs on the Web and NRIC).
The postholder will be responsible for driving research into Web 2.0,
Semantic Web for online collaboration, virtual community and social
networking for healthcare professionals, in particular optometrists.



Dr Patty Kostkova

Senior Research Fellow, Head of Centre

City ehealth Research Centre (CeRC)

City Community and Health Sciences

Tait Building, C332

City University, Northampton Square

London, EC1V 0HB, UK

tel: 0044 207 040 4084

fax: 0044 207 040 8876


NeLI:  <>

NRIC:  <>

Bugs and Drugs:

TII: <>


e-Bug: <> 



Received on Wednesday, 2 April 2008 18:03:17 UTC