- From: Adrian Paschke <adrian.paschke@biotec.tu-dresden.de>
- Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 11:52:12 +0100
- To: "'Susie M Stephens'" <STEPHENS_SUSIE_M@LILLY.COM>, <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
Dear Susie, Unfortunately, I can not participate in the HCLS RDF telecon today since I will travel to a one-week REWERSE meeting later. But I would like to announce a new Rule Responder use case for Health Care and Life Science. http://ibis.in.tum.de/projects/paw/hcls/ This use case develops a rule-based eScience inference infrastructure in the domain of Health Care and Life Science, which will dynamically integrate, by the use of rules and common query languages, existing Web-based scientific services and data sources. Following the idea of Web Services and Grid infrastructures this use case addresses the problem of rule-based heterogeneous data integration from Web sources/services and service composition. That is, it provides semantic-enriched rule-based inference (e.g. to implement expert decision logic) and dynamic access to web-based service, e.g. the EMBL-EBI patent database (http://srs.ebi.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz?-page+query+-id+3BCib1WGHAl) W3C HCLS knowledge base (http://sw.neurocommons.org/2007/kb.html), SWAN (http://swan.mindinformatics.org/), GoPubMed (http://www.gopubmed.org/). Web-based service and data sources can be easily integrated using the rich query built-ins of Prova for SQL, SPARQL, RDF Triples, RDFS/OWL DL reasoning, XPath/XQuery. I would be happy to give a demo about it in one of the next HCLS RDF telecons, e.g. on December, 10th; if possible combined with the promised demo about goPubMed (http://www.gopubmed.org/). The Rule Responder architecture consists of four essential parts: 1. RuleML / Reaction RuleML as common platform-independent (PIM layer) rule / message interchange format: http://ibis.in.tum.de/research/ReactionRuleML/ http://www.ruleml.org/ 2. Prova as a rule-based message / process flow engine used to describe and execute in a declarative rule-based way the flow of inbound/outbound messages between rule inference endpoints (arbitrary rule engines / inference services) http://www.prova.ws/ 3. The Rule Responder middleware with an integrated enterprise service bus used as communication middleware to transport messages over 30 different transport protocols (such as JMS, HTTP, SOAP) and as Web-based object-broker to install distributed inference services (rule engines). http://responder.ruleml.org/ 4. Arbitrary platform-specific rule engines (e.g. OO-jDrew, Prova etc.) (PSM layer) deployed as inference services on the ESB to answer queries and execute rules wrt to the local rule bases of the rule engines. To learn more about the general ideas and goals of Rule Responder as Pragmatic Agent/Service web on top of the Semantic Web see e.g.: Paschke, A., Boley, H., Kozlenkov. A, Craig, B.: Rule Responder: RuleML-Based Agents for Distributed Collaboration on the Pragmatic Web, 2nd Internation Conference on the Pragmatic Web, Tilburg, Netherlands, October, 2007. http://www.slideshare.net/pragmaticweb/icpw2007paschke http://oro.open.ac.uk/9275/ To learn more about the use of Reaction RuleML and the technical implementation see, e.g. http://ibis.in.tum.de/research/ReactionRuleML/docs/vldb_eda-ps07.pdf Use Cases see e.g.: Health Care and Life Science: Paschke, A.: Prova - A Distributed Semantic Web Rule Engine, W3C HCLS Telecon Presentation, October, 15th, Telecon, 2007. http://ibis.in.tum.de/projects/paw/docs/HCLS_2007.pdf http://ibis.in.tum.de/projects/paw/hcls/ Expert Finder and Virtual Organizations: Boley, H., Paschke, A.: Expert Querying and Redirection with Rule Responder, 2nd International ExpertFinder Workshop: FEWS2007 (Finding Experts on the Web with Semantics), Busan, Korea, November 2007. http://ibis.in.tum.de/projects/paw/ruleml-2007/ http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Publications/CEUR-WS/Vol-290/paper0 1.pdf Distributed Grid Inductive Logic Programming Paschke, A., Schröder, M.: Inductive Logic Programming for Bio-Informatics in Prova, VLDB 2007 Workshop on Data Mining on Bioinformatics, Vienna, Austria, September, 2007 http://bio.informatics.indiana.edu/VLDB07/finalprogram/paschke-adrian.pdf http://ibis.in.tum.de/projects/paw/ilp/ Complex Event Processing and Business Activity Monitoring: Paschke, A.: "RuleML and Reaction RuleML as a Quasi Standard for Rule Interchange– Standardization in the Area of Rules and CEP", 5th "Meet the Experts – CEP, BPM, BAM, SOA, EDA", Regensburg, June, 2007 http://www.citt-online.com/downloads/exp5/RuleML_Experten_Treffen_Regensburg 2007.pdf Rule Based Service Level Agreements http://ibis.in.tum.de/projects/rbsla/index.php Best regards, Adrian Paschke -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: public-semweb-lifesci-request@w3.org [mailto:public-semweb-lifesci-request@w3.org] Im Auftrag von Susie M Stephens Gesendet: Sonntag, 25. November 2007 19:31 An: public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org Betreff: BioRDF Telcon Here's the reminder for Monday's BioRDF call. Cheers, Susie == Conference Details == * Date of Call: Monday November 26, 2007 * Time of Call: 11:00am Eastern Time * Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA) * Dial-In #: + (Nice, France) * Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK) * Participant Access Code: 246733 ("BIORDF") * IRC Channel: irc.w3.org port 6665 channel #BioRDF * Duration: ~1 hour * Convener: Susie Stephens * Scribe: Jonathan Rees == Agenda == * SenseLab Conversion into Access tables - Luis Marenco * SenseLab Conversion Documentation - Matthias * URI note - Jonathan * Knowledgebase extensions - Alan * KB Documentation - Alan * AOB
Received on Monday, 26 November 2007 10:53:34 UTC