Re: Advancing translational research with the Semantic Web

> >>Here Temperature_Feature is a "history" (sensu Hayes) or a 
> >>time-slice. Do I have this correct?
> >If you want features to be 4-D objects
> Just for the record, that IS the 'histories' view. That is, 
> 'histories' was the name I used for 4-d objects.

Could you please point us to some literature about the 'histories' view? I remember that Alan Rector asked how my proposal of AFO would relate to 'histories', and I could not find any specific literature about that kind of ontological representation. Probably I searched in the wrong places.

I am somewhat confused about why we need to introduce the term 'history', and as it seems, others have been confused too. I would rather prefer to just call these  entities 'things at a certain timespan'. Histories, in the common understanding, cannot have properties like 'temperature' -- only the entities themselves can have these properties.

Matthias Samwald

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Received on Tuesday, 29 May 2007 20:59:26 UTC